CORMOL relies on milling cutters such as the OptiMill-3D-HF from MAPAL for tool making
CORMOL from Portugal manufactures stamping tools, for which it has been working closely with MAPAL since 2022. With the OptiMill-3D-HF, CORMOL has found a reliable and economical tool solution.
Easy handling, rigid connection, optimal cooling: new BFS connection for replaceable head milling systems
MAPAL has introduced a new bayonet-like separation point for interchangeable head milling systems onto the market. Users benefit from very easy handling, rigid connection and optimal cooling
Efficient production in die and mould making: Krämer+Grebe and MAPAL
The mouldmaking company Krämer+Grebe optimises production with MAPAL reamers and milling cutters and ensures process reliability in international competition.
NeoMill-Alu-QBig: High-volume milling of aluminium materials
With material removal rates of 18 l/min and more, the NeoMill-Alu-QBig indexable insert milling cutter from MAPAL stands for top performance in high-volume milling of aluminium.
Why milling instead of drilling can be a sensible alternative? MAPAL shows how higher process reliability and shorter machining times can be achieved.
High process reliability when milling CFRP composite materials
The OptiMill-Composite-Speed-Plus milling cutter from MAPAL stands for high process reliability due to long tool life, high breaking strength and the best cutting quality.
-Strategy- バッテリーフレーム
MAPAL’s electric mobility experts have designed a generic component that encompasses the main machining operations of a battery frame.
In direct comparison to the previous machining process, the MAPAL solution brings clear advantages. The consideration of the overall process is decisive here.
Green tools protect resources
The use of minimum quantity lubrication is a lever for saving resources in production. MAPAL offers almost all tools in variants for MQL.
CFRP demo part for trade fairs and events
A generic component developed in collaboration with the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland demonstrates MAPAL's expertise in CFRP machining.
The FlyCutter from MAPAL is ideally suited for deburring battery trays. Robot manufacturer KADIA is enthusiastic about the PCD-tipped milling tool.
New face milling cutters for more sustainability in aluminium machining
How MAPAL increases the cost-effectiveness of aluminium machining with two new milling tools.
Strategic partnership in mould making
Röders GmbH and MAPAL jointly develop the machining strategy for a generic component. The approach is convincing - both in the CAM simulation and on the machine.
Even more cost-effective turbochargers
Wie die Komplettbearbeitung von Turboladern mit Wendeschneidplattenfräsern aus dem NeoMill Programm noch produktiver wird.
3D-Fräsen von CFK-Prototypen ab Stückzahl Eins
MAPAL unterstützt die ERIKS Deutschland GmbH mit Prozesskompetenz und umfangreichem Werkzeugprogramm für schlüsselfertige CFK-Bearbeitungen.
Problemlöser auch für knifflige Fälle
MAPAL Werkzeuge stellen ihr Leistungspotenzial in mehreren problematischen Anwendungen beim Formenbaubetrieb HaGeForm Sachsen unter Beweis.
Technologie aus dem Automobilbau fürs Flugzeug
Maschinenhersteller F. Zimmermann GmbH und MAPAL setzen bei der Projektumsetzung und Bearbeitung eines Luftfahrtbauteils gemeinsam Maßstäbe.
Edelstahl fräsen mit sechs Schneiden
Der sechsschneidige Trochoidalfräser OptiMill-Tro-Inox von MAPAL erreicht in Edelstahl maximales Zeitspanvolumen und 30 Prozent längere Standwege.
Titanbearbeitung startet durch
MAPAL Werkzeuge für die Titanbearbeitung machen das Bohren und Fräsen des duktilen, hochfesten Werkstoffs produktiver und senken damit Kosten.
Wenn nichts mehr schief gehen darf
Mit MAPAL Werkzeugen verlassen sich Anwender auf höchste Prozesssicherheit und Präzision bei den abschließenden Zerspanungsverfahren des fast fertigen Bauteils.
Leistungssprung mit NeoMill Planfräser
NeoMill Planfräser von MAPAL halbierten die Maschinenlaufzeit von Schraubenkompressoren bei BOGE Kompressoren in Großenhain.
Hartmetall bearbeiten mit PKD-Vollkopf-Fräsern
Die neuen PKD-Vollkopf-Fräser von MAPAL mit 2-6 Millimetern Durchmesser bearbeiten Hartmetall und andere hart-spröde Materialien schnell und mit langen Standzeiten.
Vielfältige Einsatzbereiche für PKD-Werkzeuge
PKD-Werkzeuge von MAPAL stellen ihre Leistungsfähigkeit in verschiedensten Anwendungen und Branchen unter Beweis. Beatmungsgeräte oder Brillengläser sind Beispiele.
Höchstleistungen beim Präzisionszerspanen von Aluminium
Aluminium-Strukturbauteile für Flugzeuge werden meist aus dem Vollen zerspant. Das erfordert enorme Leistung und hohe Präzision von Maschinen und Werkzeugen.
CVD-Beschichtungen für die Stahl- und Gussbearbeitung
Werkzeuge mit innovativen CVD-Beschichtungen bearbeiten Stahl- und Gusswerkstoffe deutlich wirtschaftlicher. Beispiele aus den Bereichen Fräsen und Reiben.
High-performance milling in aluminium and steel
MAPAL is expanding its portfolio in the area of high-performance milling cutters in the OptiMill family for aluminium and steel machining.
Milling cast and steel parts more cost-effectively
MAPAL's new milling cutter programme with indexable inserts shows its potential in concrete applications.
Complete Supplier in Tool and Mould Making
Why MAPAL has a unique selling point as a complete supplier in die and mould making and how customers benefit from this.
The new FaceMill-Diamond: Process-reliable face milling with a long tool life
The productivity of MAPAL's PCD facemilling system Face-Mill-Diamond increased due to research and development.
Reliable and Cost-effective Manufacture of Turbochargers in Series
Manufacturers of turbochargers face challenges in machining. How MAPAL makes the entire process cost-effective and efficient.
High speed in die & mould sector
MAPAL presents performant and precise solid carbide cutting tools for various applications and machining processes for die & mould.
High-performance Milling Cutter for the Machining of Structural Parts
Axel Fleischer speaks in an interview about challenges, opportunities and new potential in the aerospace industry with high-performance milling cutters from MAPAL
Aircraft Industries depends on milling cutters for high-volume machining from MAPAL
High volume milling cutters, drilling/countersinking combination tools and reamers in use in the parts production and final assembly of aircraft manufacturer Aircraft Industries.
Higher Surface Quality through Vibration Dampaning
New Milling Cutter Arbors with Vibration Damper Improve Process Reliability and Surfaces
Constant velocity joints for electro mobility
Why Neapco relies on ball nose milling cutters from MAPAL for hard machining the homokinetic outer joint of a drive shaft.
Excellent result thanks to close, partnership-based cooperation
MTU Friedrichshafen converts finish machining to minimally invasive face milling. They also achieve evenness improved by a factor of 10 with milling cutters from MAPAL.
OptiMill-Uni-Wave Cord Roughing Cutter
Large cutting depth, optimum chip removal and high material removal rate – the new universal milling cutter from MAPAL is impressive for machining steel and stainless steel.
Perfect combination for structural parts – faster, better, lower cutting forces
F. Zimmerman GmbH relies on high volume milling cutters from MAPAL in combination with their machining centre FZH, which therefore raises performance to a whole new level.