
Neue BFS-Trennstelle für Wechselkopffrässysteme

Einfaches Handling, steife Verbindung, optimale Kühlung

MAPAL hat zur diesjährigen Leitmesse AMB in Stuttgart eine neue Bajonett-ähnliche Trennstelle für Wechselkopffrässysteme vorgestellt, die zum Patent angemeldet wurde. Anwender profitieren von sehr einfachem Handling, steifer Verbindung und optimaler Kühlung des neuen BFS-Systems. Der Werkzeughersteller spart dazu an der Trennstelle Hartmetall ein und schont so Ressourcen.

The picture shows the new bayonet-like connection from MAPAL that is applied for replaceable head milling systems.
  • The picture shows the new bayonet-like connection from MAPAL that is applied for replaceable head milling systems.
  • A ring of cooling channel bores at the tool holder ensures that the coolant is directed straight to the cutting edges.

The functional principle of the new connection couldn’t be easier: the replaceable head only has to be inserted and turned 90 degrees to be locked. That’s a lot easier than the previous system for replaceable head milling cutters from MAPAL or comparable systems where the replaceable head is threaded and has to be screwed in several turns. 

The bayonet system achieves very high rigidity thanks to the large cylindrical face connection. While the force only acts on one side while tightening a thread due to the thread’s pitch, the new MAPAL system ensures a symmetrical insertion and good distribution of force.

Increased tool life and better machining quality

Together with the connection, MAPAL is also presenting a new tool holder design. The tool holder has a ring of cooling channel bores, which enables a much higher volume of cooling than conventional internal cooling is able to provide. By channelling the coolant directly to the area of the cutting edges, the tool life is extended and machining quality improved. 
The picture shows the new bayonet-like connection from MAPAL that is applied for replaceable head milling systems.
The patent-pending, bayonet-like BFS connection for replaceable head milling systems impresses with its very easy handling, a rigid connection and optimal cooling.   ©MAPAL

In addition, by doing away with a central cooling channel bore, the milling head becomes much more stable. The tool holder is 10 to 15% more rigid than comparable systems, resulting in higher achievable form and position tolerances, smoother processes and longer tool life.

The solid carbide replaceable heads from MAPAL also impress thanks to their high process reliability as inserts cannot become loose at high temperatures. If tool breakage does occur, the connection’s simple assembly ensures that the machining process can be resumed quickly.

Modular tool systems with a steel-shank tool holder have also been marketed to conserve carbide. With the bayonet connection, MAPAL is going one step further. Compared to previous connection, 70% less material is used, in keeping with the trend towards more sustainability.

A ring of cooling channel bores at the tool holder ensures that the coolant is directed straight to the cutting edges.
The holders of the new MAPAL connection have a ring of cooling channel bores that direct the coolant directly into the area of the cutting edges. This increases the machining quality and the service life of the tools.   ©MAPAL

Diverse range of applications

The connection is offered in 7 different sizes with head diameters from 11.8 mm to 22.5 mm and head lengths up to 1xD, which enables a variety of applications. In addition to the replaceable heads, the tool manufacturer can also custom design the tool holder to optimise the coolant supply for particular requirements, for example.

MAPAL is also exhibiting two initial applications together with the bayonet connection at the AMB. A solid carbide head with five cutting edges is being used by customers from the automotive industry as a ball nose milling cutter to manufacture homokinetic joints. The soft machining of this component, which is integrated in the power train, requires a high degree of precision. Another tool is a form cutter for machining ball joints on drive shafts.

Portrait Ostertag-Mathias


Mathias Ostertag Public Relations mathias.ostertag@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3566

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