La tecnologia si declina al futuro
Formazione tecnica presso il Gruppo MAPAL
Panoramica degli apprendistati tecnici
Un operatore di macchine da taglio produce utensili di precisione o mandrini di serraggio su macchine a controllo numerico con un’accuratezza nell’ordine del µ. In massimo tre anni e mezzo imparerai a conoscere in maniera approfondita la lavorazione dei metalli e l’uso delle macchine utensili. Acquisirai familiarità con la fabbricazione di utensili di precisione o mandrini di serraggio in base a progetti costruttivi, piani di lavoro e istruzioni di processo.
- Diploma di scuola secondaria di secondo grado con una votazione buona
- Conoscenze tecniche, capacità di immaginazione spaziale e abilità manuale
- Affidabilità, motivazione e spirito di squadra
- Formazione di base sulla lavorazione dei metalli
- Formazione su fresatrici, torni e rettificatrici a controllo numerico
- Fabbricazione di pezzi singoli per utensili personalizzati, attrezzature o dispositivi di regolazione
- Formazione in reparti aziendali specializzati
- 3,5 Anni
- Ottenendo buoni risultati a scuola e in azienda, è possibile abbreviare il programma di sei mesi
Opportunità di impiego:
- Nel reparto Produzione su modernissimi centri di lavorazione CNC
- Aalen
- Altenstadt
- Ehrenfriedersdorf
- Eppingen
- Meiningen
Un attrezzista meccanico di precisione è un operaio specializzato nella produzione di utensili di precisione di ogni genere per uso manuale o meccanico. Durante lo stage ti occuperai dell’affilatura di inserti e della manutenzione di una vasta gamma di macchine da taglio e rettifica. Imparerai inoltre a leggere i disegni tecnici e a lavorare in modo sistematico seguendo le dettagliate istruzioni di lavoro. Ti occuperai infine anche della verifica e della messa a registro della qualità dei prodotti finiti.
- Diploma di scuola secondaria di secondo grado con una votazione buona
- Conoscenze tecniche e abilità manuale
- Massima attenzione alla qualità
- Affidabilità, motivazione e spirito di squadra
- Formazione di base sulla lavorazione dei metalli
- Fabbricazione di utensili personalizzati in base al disegno
- Programmazione di rettificatrici CNC
- Misurazione e verifica dei pezzi lavorati
- Verifica e messa a registro degli utensili prodotti
- 3,5 Anni
Opportunità di impiego:
- Su rettificatrici in piano, cilindriche e
- di utensili oppure su rettificatrici CNC
- Meiningen
- Winterlingen
- 優秀な中等教育卒業証明書
- 技術的理解、空間認識能力、手先の器用さ
- 信頼性、やる気、チームワーク能力
- 金属加工の基礎教育
- CNCミリング、旋削、研削盤、放電加工機のトレーニング
- 特殊工具、設備または調整器用の個別部品の製作
- 組立品や部品の組立
- 空気圧回路およびPLC回路
- 社内の専門部署での研修
- 3.5年
- 学校および社内での成績が良ければ6ヶ月短縮可能
- 製造または組立部門
- 工作機械やシステムの保守と整備
- 設備建設
- アーレン
- エッピンゲン
- プフォルツハイム
- ヴィンターリンゲン
As a metal technology specialist (m/f/d) specialising in machining technology, you’ll work on conventional machines or CNC machining centres. You’ll learn to read technical drawings and parts lists and create turned, milled or ground parts according to detailed work instructions. You’ll monitor the manufacturing process here as well as the quality of your products. You’ll maintain and care for the machines used.
- Good secondary school leaving certificate
- Technical understanding, spatial imagination, craftsmanship skills
- Reliability, motivation, ability to work in a team
Training content:
- Basic training in metalworking
- Manufacturing individual parts on conventional turning, milling or grinding machines
- Training on CNC-controlled machine tools
- Planning and inspection of the manufacturing steps
- Handling technical documentation
- Training in specialist company departments
Duration of training:
- 2 years
- If you perform well at school and in the workplace, you can shorten your course by half a year
Possible applications:
- Monitoring and control of manufacturing processes
- Operating CNC-controlled machine tools
Training sites:
- Winterlingen
As a machine and system operator, you’ll commission, set up, maintain and repair production machines. In addition, your tasks also include controlling and monitoring the process flows, storing the goods and carrying out manufacturing checks.
- Secondary school leaving certificate
- Technical understanding, spatial imagination and craftsmanship skills
- Reliability, motivation, ability to work in a team
Training content:
- Basic training in metalworking
- Manufacturing individual parts on conventional turning, milling or grinding machines
- Training on CNC-controlled machine tools
- Planning and inspection of the manufacturing steps
- Handling technical documentation
- Training in specialist company departments
Duration of training:
- 2 years
- If you perform well at school and in the workplace, it’s possible to extend your training as a cutting machine operator by 1.5 years
Possible applications:
- Monitoring and control of manufacturing processes
- Operating CNC-controlled machine tools
Training sites:
- Altenstadt
Mechatronics engineers can build complex systems from mechanical, electrical and electronic parts that are controlled by software. During your training, you’ll learn how to read technical drawings and how to assemble subassemblies into machines and systems. You can configure mechatronic systems and learn how they work in detail. You are responsible for ensuring that the finished system fulfils the planned functions.
- Good secondary school certificate, vocational baccalaureate diploma or A-levels
- Interest in technical and electrotechnical matters
- Craftsmanship skills, diligent, willing to learn
- Reliability, motivation and ability to work in a team
Training content:
- Basics of metal and electrical engineering
- Basics of pneumatics, hydraulics and controller technology
- How to program programmable logic controllers (PLC)
- Getting familiar with different IT systems
- Assembling mechanical and electronic components
Duration of training:
- 3.5 years
- If you perform well at school and in the workplace, you can shorten your course by half a year or even a whole year
Possible applications:
- In the manufacturing and assembly area
- In the maintenance and repair of machine tools and systems
- In technical service
Training sites:
- Aalen
Production engineers support the production processes from product development and design to the most important element of the value chain: the customer. It’s your job as a production engineer to coordinate, plan and control the large number of processes at these interfaces. To do this, you’ll work together with product and process developers and designers. But your tasks also include working with partners such as suppliers, manufacturers and customers as well as the production team.
- Good secondary school certificate, vocational baccalaureate diploma or A-levels
- Very good technical understanding
- Good communicator
- Reliability, motivation and ability to work in a team
Training content:
- Setting up production systems and preparing for production start-up
- Commissioning new processes, ensuring production capability of the systems
- Programming and parameterising production systems, carrying out maintenance work
- Organising, simulating and improving processes
- Determining and documenting as well as correcting process and quality deviations
Duration of training:
- 3 years
- If you perform well at school and in the workplace, you can shorten your course by half a year
Possible applications:
- Manufacturing (Shift Manager), Quality Assurance
- Purchasing, Logistics, CS
- Production Planning and Production Management
Training sites:
- Meiningen
Technical product designers design parts, assemblies, tools or complete systems. You’ll use 3D and 2D CAD systems to produce detailed 3D models and drawings with professional dimensioning. You’ll design customer-specific solutions in compliance with current standards. To do this, you’ll create assembly plans and parts lists for manufacturing and take care of product documentation.
- Good secondary school leaving certificate or university entrance qualification
- Technical understanding and good spatial awareness
- Reliability, motivation, diligence and ability to work in a team
Training content:
- Planning and designing parts and products with 2D or 3D software
- Developing and optimising products
- Distinguishing and applying workpiece materials as well as manufacturing and assembly techniques
- Creating and applying technical documents
Duration of training:
- 3.5 years
Possible applications (depending on the site):
- Construction
- Work preparation
- Production planning
- Research and development
Training sites:
- Altenstadt
- Meiningen