Absolventenfeier mit Zeugnisübergabe
Sehr gute Leistungen unter Pandemiebedingungen
79 Nachwuchskräfte an den MAPAL Standorten in Aalen, Pforzheim, Winterlingen, Altenstadt und Ehrenfriedersdorf beenden erfolgreich die Ausbildung.
In addition to twelve award-winning graduates, a further five received commendations from the Ostwürttemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for good exam performance. All 79 trainees at MAPAL locations in Germany passed their final exams with flying colours. Which shows how great the motivation of the young people is, who, like their trainers, faced particular challenges with the corona pandemic. State-of-the-art training facilities and qualified trainers ensure the high quality of training at MAPAL.
Dr Jochen Kress, President of the MAPAL Group, congratulated the 42 graduates at the headquarters in Aalen and presented the certificates at a ceremony. He encouraged the young people to bring their newly acquired knowledge into the company and to work on the future topics of the MAPAL Group. New technologies such as e-mobility, the development of new business areas and digitalisation offer the young people exciting opportunities and plenty of scope for professional development.
In addition to Tobias Ilg, who was named the best industrial mechanic in Baden-Württemberg by the Ostwürttemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, five other graduates completed their training at the Aalen plant with an overall grade of “very good”. Among them is Lena Klaus, who, after her training as an industrial clerk, is now completing a dual course of study in business administration.
Nahezu alle Nachwuchsfachkräfte nahmen das Übernahmeangebot von MAPAL an und unterstützen inzwischen ihre erfahrenen Kollegen in der Fertigung oder der Verwaltung.
Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Tel.: +49 7361 585 3342