
Update zu neuen Produkten und Entwicklungen

200 Teilnehmer informieren sich in Aalen

Regelmäßige Treffen und der persönliche Austausch mit Repräsentanten, Geschäftspartnern und Vertretern der Medien ist für MAPAL Teil der Kooperation und des gemeinsamen Bestrebens, den Anwendern Informationen auf höchstem Niveau zu bieten. Nachdem sich die Corona-Situation allmählich entspannt und das Reisen wieder möglich ist, lud MAPAL im Juli zu einer Tagungsrunde nach Aalen ein. Andreas Enzenbach, Vice President Marketing and Corporate Communications: „In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hat sich bei MAPAL viel getan. Sowohl organisatorisch als auch bei den Markt- und Produktsegmenten, in denen wir uns komplett neu aufgestellt haben. Zudem hat die Arbeit unserer Ingenieure interessante Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen in der Werkzeugtechnologie hervorgebracht. Es war also höchste Zeit, unsere Vertreter und Geschäftspartner wieder auf den neuesten Stand der Dinge zu bringen.“ Insgesamt gut 200 geladene Gäste waren bei den jeweiligen Veranstaltungen dabei. Sie nahmen viel frisches Wissen um neue Produkte, Technologien und Trends sowie gute Gespräche mit. „Die Tagung war inspirierend und eine große Bereicherung für meine tägliche Arbeit“, so das positive Fazit eines Teilnehmers.

Dr. Jochen Kress, Managing Partner of the MAPAL Group, in discussion with customers from the tool and mould making industry
  • Dr. Jochen Kress, Managing Partner of the MAPAL Group, in discussion with customers from the tool and mould making industry
  • Sales representatives meeting: View of the conference hall
  • Participants of the International Sales Representative Meeting at the headquarters in Aalen
  • Sales representatives during their tour of the MAPAL Research and Development Centre
  • The tool innovations were presented at the press conference.
  • The sales representatives from MAPAL find out about new product developments in the R&D centre.
  • New solutions for the fluid power technology were one focus of attention.

International sales representatives' conference

MAPAL and the worldwide sales representatives in countries without a MAPAL location are linked by a close partnership. It is based on a lot of know-how and a trusting cooperation. Representatives from Europe, Israel, Turkey and Iran met for a dialogue in Aalen. Current developments in MAPAL technology, new marketing concepts and tools for future cooperation were presented to the country partners comprehensively in theory and practice.

Sales force meeting

Field staff is on the front line and needs the latest information to advise customers accurately and efficiently. Experts from the main plant in Aalen, specializing in the segments of titanium machining, fluid technology, tool and die making and e-mobility, reported on their work in exciting technical presentations and presented the latest machining concepts and products, including live machining in the R&D Center. A lively exchange of experiences among the sales force members and technical discussions with the speakers followed. 

Trade conference die and mould

Quo Vadis die and mould industry? Around 20 authorized specialist dealers from the DACH-HU region discussed this question with the responsible product and market segment managers of the MAPAL Group. It was the first meeting of this kind after MAPAL decided to enter this market a good three years ago. Gerret Lukas, Head of Industrial Consulting at the WBA Aachener Werkzeugbau Akademie, highlighted the future prospects in the die and mold industry in an informative presentation. In addition, digital solutions in tool organisation, high-performance solid carbide drills and milling cutters as well as the UNIQ hydraulic chuck were presented. 

Press conference

22 representatives of German, Austrian and Swiss trade journals as well as local media were again awaited at this year's press conference by a dense mix of information paired with an evening program that deepened the good and friendly contacts. Dr. Jochen Kress reported on the business development in 2021 and gave an outlook on the current business year. The presentation of new cutting materials for fine boring as well as solutions for titanium machining, aluminium milling, fluid power technology and e-mobility provided the journalists with plenty of material for their journalistic work. Feedback from one participant: "Excellently organised, very well prepared presentations and lots of content."

Brand partner meeting

A good two dozen brand partners took part in the MAPAL Group's brand partner conference in Aalen. For a whole day, everything there revolved around innovations. In addition to specialist presentations on new products and technologies, the focus was on application technology. The brand partners were one of the first who had the opportunity to see the new products and to experience their performance live in MAPAL's research and development center. During a joint dinner, participants and speakers reviewed the impressions once again and ended the day in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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