Exterior view of the MAPAL location in Tainan City, Taiwan.

MAPAL Precision Tool Systems Co. Ltd.


MAPAL Precision Tool Systems Co.Ltd.は、国際的なマパールグループの台湾子会社で、台南市にあります。東南アジア地域向けの高品質な精密工具の製造に注力しているMAPAL PTS社は、お客様にとっては信頼できるパートナーとして、120人の従業員にとっては信頼できる雇用主として知られています。

超近代的なMAPAL PTS社の工場で、チームはファインボーリング、ボーリング加工、フライス加工用の高品質な工具を製造しています。マパールの特殊技術と世界的に標準化されたプロセスにより、あらゆる産業への供給が可能になっています。ポートフォリオには、OEM品質の調整や再研磨サービスも含まれており、これによりお客様の生産効率を高めています。




Employee Benefits in Tainan City

Enjoying a good work-life balance, having an attractive working environment and participating in forward-looking training opportunities – we share your view of modern working.
​​​​​​​We offer our employees the following benefits.


During the induction phase, our team mentors are on hand to offer support as you settle into your role.

Our Teams play a huge part in the growth and success of MAPAL Ltd. Various support and training is given, so each individual can continue to grow their expertise and careers within MAPAL. 

The offerings of yearly Apprenticeships are important to the company to introduce careers within the Engineering and Manufacturing sectors and ignite a long-term aspiration with MAPAL and our customers.

Company pension plan
We support our employees in building up an additional pension plan in order to be able to close any pension gap that may arise in retirement. For all employees, we also offer a monthly allowance for capital-forming payments.
Events for employees

Our company has grown as a family business – and we feel just like a big family. That’s why we also want to celebrate together. Depending on the site, there are summer festivals, for example, or even our annual Christmas market. Our MAPAL Football World Cup or European Championship takes place every two years, bringing together colleagues from various sites across Germany and abroad.

Some events are only for employees, others are open to relatives and visitors. 
We are one MAPAL and recognise the achievements of our employees: That is why we honour long-serving colleagues once a year during a special celebration and also like to invite our retirees.

Discounts for employees

In the MAPAL Fanshop, our employees can purchase high-quality workwear, clothing for leisure time, practical items for everyday use and a constantly growing range of items for fans of the company. 

They also get exclusive discounts on travel, fashion, technology and much more. The monthly changing offers can be viewed directly on the Intranet via an online platform or via the corresponding app.

Health measures

We encourage our employees to be healthy. Specialists from the occupational health service advise and support our employees in order to prevent and treat illnesses. They also offer various preventive examinations.

We’re also happy to support sporting activities employees take up outside the workplace. For example, we pay part of the entry fees for various swimming, running and cycling competitions or provide you with team clothing.

On top of this, our employees can attend seminars and workshops on the topics of ergonomics at the workplace, exercise, nutrition and stress management.

We offer our employees the opportunity to take out labor insurance and health insurance.
Employee uniform
It is important to us that our employees identify with the company. This includes uniform work clothing that we make available to our employees.
Meal allowance
Employees who are willing to work longer due to the order situation receive a meal allowance from us.
Bonus payments
Good performance pays off. Our employees receive a bonus based on their personal performance. In addition, we grant a year-end bonus based on the general development of the company.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Additional information

  • Where we are

    We work at locations in 25 countries. Find out here where you can work for us and what’s special about each location.