Cumplimiento en MAPAL
En MAPAL, consideramos que el cumplimiento es un principio fundamental de nuestras acciones y una clave para establecer relaciones auténticas con los socios. Este principio caracteriza nuestras relaciones con clientes, empleados, proveedores e instituciones públicas y es la parte central de nuestras actividades comerciales.
Nuestro objetivo no es solo operar dentro del marco legal, sino considerarlo la base de un comportamiento responsable y éticamente impoluto. Estamos convencidos de que la transparencia, la integridad y el estricto cumplimiento de las normas y leyes son la base del éxito sostenible y las relaciones comerciales de confianza.
Código de conducta: para una cooperación justa
Para hacer hincapié en nuestro deber por lograr una cooperación justa, hemos desarrollado directrices para toda la empresa que no solo clarifican las responsabilidades de los empleados de MAPAL, sino que también regulan nuestras relaciones con todas las partes interesadas, como clientes, proveedores, socios y la sociedad en general.
Estas directrices son el resultado de una profunda comprensión de la necesidad de contar con prácticas comerciales transparentes, respetuosas y justas. Definen claramente las expectativas de comportamiento de cada miembro de la familia MAPAL y garantizan que nuestros valores comunes se cumplan en cada interacción con socios, tanto internos como externos.
Estas directrices son obligatorias para todos los empleados del Grupo MAPAL, independientemente de su cargo o función en la empresa. A través de la formación periódica, nos aseguramos de que estas normas no solo se comprendan, sino que también se cumplan.
How to Make a Report for Italia:
The report can be made using the web channel, through the MYGOVERNANCE site, which is capable of ensuring, by electronic means, the utmost confidentiality of the identity of the reporter in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 24/2023. Those authorized to report include individuals operating in the work context of Mapal Italia, specifically:
- all employees of Mapal Italia Srl, regardless of their contractual classification;
- freelance workers, collaborators, professionals, consultants, volunteers, and interns of Mapal Italia Srl;
- Individuals who hold administrative, management, supervisory, oversight, or representation functions within Mapal Italia Srl.
The report must be detailed, i.e., made with a level of detail sufficient to allow the verification of the reported facts and must address:
- Illicit conduct relevant under Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 and violations of the Organizational, Management, and Control Models adopted by
Mapal Italia Srl; - Offenses that fall within the scope of application of the European Union or national acts listed in the annex to Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 or of domestic legislation that constitutes their implementation of the acts of European law indicated in the annex to Directive (EU) 2019/1937;
- Acts or omissions harmful to the financial interests of the European Union as protected under Article 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
- Acts or omissions concerning the internal market as per Article 26.2 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, including violations of competition rules and state aid, as well as corporate taxes;
- Any conduct likely to nullify the object or purpose of the provisions provided by the acts of the Union;
- Any other possible administrative, accounting, civil, and criminal offenses of any nature, other than the previous ones.
Reports under Article 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 cannot concern:
- Disputes, claims, or requests of a personal interest of the reporter that exclusively pertain to their individual work relationships even with higher-ranking figures;
- Reports of violations already compulsorily regulated by the Community acts listed in Part II of the annex to Legislative Decree No. 24/2023;
- Matters of national security and defense.
The reporter cannot be discriminated against as a result of the report in compliance with Articles 16 and 17 of Legislative Decree No. 24/2023, provided that at the time of the report they have reasonable grounds to believe that the information on the reported violations is true and falls among those relevant. On the contrary, the protection of the reporter is forfeited when the criminal responsibility for the offenses of defamation or slander or for crimes committed by lodging the complaint is established, even with a first-instance judgment, or when the civil responsibility of the reporter is established in cases of intentional misconduct or gross negligence. Mapal Italia Srl reserves the right to act to protect its interests also in defense of the injured parties. For the utmost protection of their confidentiality, when making the report, the reporter must:
- use exclusively personal information devices;
- register on the online platform and make reports using a personal email address.