Divers boîtiers sont utilisés pour protéger les composants électroniques, tels que le système de batterie ou l'électronique de puissance, contre les influences extérieures de l'environnement et pour fixer les composants à l'intérieur afin d'assurer leur parfait fonctionnement pendant l'utilisation du véhicule. Les exigences relatives aux boîtiers dépendent du système électronique et du concept d'entraînement. Actuellement, différents matériaux et procédés de fabrication sont utilisés.
Composants fragiles à parois minces (sensibles aux vibrations)
Structure en cuve coulée ou construction à cadre en profilés creux
Aluminium partiellement pauvre en silicium
Grande surface (2 x 3 m)
Opérations de forage, de fraisage et de filetage, principalement
Exigences de précision et de surface pour les passages de câble et les raccords de refroidissement
Due to the increasing size of the battery, modular concepts for different performance classes and ranges are used. For this reason, extruded aluminium profiles are welded to form a housing.
Thin material with several layers
Drilling: Vibrations and burr formation. Ring formation on the tool → Helix milling/orbital drilling prevents burrs and rings
Milling: Thin material tends to vibrate → Fewer vibrations through optimised cutting edge geometry
Die-cast aluminium housings are mostly used to accommodate power electronics or smaller battery systems for hybrid vehicles. The complex housing structures are designed with integrated cooling channels.
Milling of sealing surfaces (in some cases specific surface requirements)
Milling of mounting surfaces for electronics and battery cells with long tool overhang
Drilling of core holes (> 50 holes per component)
Tool overview
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Standard programme for the machining of aluminium structural parts
Highly positive cutting edge geometry
Reduced cutting forces
Low vibration cut
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Low vibration roughing with deep cutting depth
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Ideal for making openings or pockets
Solid carbide design or with brazed PCD cutting edges
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Finishing of great depths in one go
Strong performance with high wraps
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Creation of core holes
Three cutting edges for the highest feed rates
Highest positioning accuracy through self-centring cross cutting edge
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Solid carbide drill
Drilling with lower cycle time
Focus on chip formation
Effective drilling processes with a larger number of equal diameters
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PCD face milling cutter
Roughing and finishing of face surface
Machining face surfaces with different stock removal using a single tool
Roughing and finishing operations possible
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PCD milling cutter
Circular milling operations of various diameters and surfaces
Less tool changes thanks to flexible tool deployment
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Corner milling cutter
Pocket milling of aluminium materials
Optimum chip removal
Optimum stability
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PCD milling cutter overview
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PCD milling cutter with alternately arranged cutting edges
Low cutting forces over the entire machining depth
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Spiralled PCD milling cutter
Finishing of thin-walled structures
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PCD Helix milling cutter
Trimming with a large cutting depth
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PCD face milling cutter
Face milling for a cutting depth of up to 10 mm
Creation of defined surface profiles for sealing and contact surfaces