Digitalización en MAPAL

Mäurer nos muestra cómo son las actividades diarias de un data object analyst (analista de objetos de datos).

Ya está presente cuando se hacen realidad los primeros bocetos según estructuras DIN y sigue ahí durante el asesoramiento operativo a las empresas. Durante el desarrollo de productos, Moritz Mäurer aplica un enfoque global.

"Tenemos la oportunidad de comunicarnos con todos los compañeros y centros de competencias internacionales y definir así las directrices y la estructura de los productos", explica Moritz Mäurer sobre el atractivo y la responsabilidad de su puesto.
Moritz ha desarrollado toda su carrera en MAPAL. Completó su formación en la sede de Aalen y, a continuación, trabajó unos años en el área de fabricación hasta que decidió continuar formándose y convertirse en técnico de ingeniería mecánica. En la actualidad lleva más de diez años en la empresa y trabaja en el ámbito de Master Data Management (gestión de datos maestros). Entre sus tareas principales se encuentra la configuración de variantes en la documentación de la empresa. Se trata de una subdivisión dentro de la gestión de datos maestros, un tipo de gestión que va adquiriendo cada vez más importancia. El objetivo general consiste en lograr una elevada calidad en los datos de objetos relevantes desde el punto de vista de la empresa y que son necesarios para las operaciones de procesamiento actuales.

“MAPAL is still small enough so that almost everyone knows everyone. You’re not just a number in the system. For me, it’s just the right mix of innovative global corporation and family-run medium-sized company.”

You can be an important driver for digitalization, there are exciting possibilities waiting for you and our IT.

Putting missing puzzle pieces together

How would you describe the workflow in day-to-day business? As a rule, two people work on a configuration, Moritz explains. The variant configuration including classification is already included in the SAP standard, which makes communication much easier. In collaboration with Product Management, the Data Object Analyst defines the procedure and the goals. He forwards the resulting tasks to the respective departments. “We often use UI scripting, as there is little opportunity to re-set configurations en masse”, says the analyst. One of the difficulties is to include existing products in the configuration. For this purpose, he is in regular contact with various departments. He talks to the Design department, to the Work Preparation department and works closely with the Sales department. Working together with all the departments to put together the missing pieces of the puzzle needed to configure the product is always a challenge, but it’s a great boost for team spirit, says Moritz.

Not just a number in the system

The positive working atmosphere is probably also a decisive reason why the Data Object analyst has sworn loyalty to his employer for over ten years now: “MAPAL is still small enough so that almost everyone knows everyone. You’re not just a number in the system. For me, it’s just the right mix of innovative global corporation and family-run medium-sized company.” When Moritz thinks back to when he first applied to work at MAPAL, his enthusiasm is palpable: “In my experience, MAPAL was the company from Aalen where everyone wanted to work, even back in my school days. And nothing has ever changed for me in that respect.”

Join us!

You can be an important driver for digitalization, there are exciting possibilities waiting for you and our IT.

People Who Work With Us

  • Sebastian Schaal, Team Leader IT Client Management

    All roads lead to Aalen. From here, IT Client Management orchestrates the technical infrastructure of the MAPAL sites. Sebastian Schaal works to ensure that all employees worldwide benefit from the same user experience.

  • Erwin Schuster, Chief Information Officer

    Between big data analytics, artificial intelligence and new business models, Erwin Schuster and his teams create the general conditions so that technological progress is a reality at all levels every day at MAPAL.

  • Joshua Roth, Junior Inhouse Consultant

    The future becomes tangible when innovative technologies become an everyday part of the working world. Joshua Roth tests the extent to which processes can be automated with Machine Learning and reports on his experiences as a young professional at MAPAL.

  • Hien Vo, Software Developer

    The real sprint starts when you start working with sprints. Hien Vo lives and breathes agile processes and knows every ticket in the backlog. Born in Vietnam, she works with the IT and Marketing departments as well as with external service providers around the world to create the best possible user experience for MAPAL’s online presence.

  • Dennis Sandig, Product Owner & Application Manager

    Digitisation needs drivers who strive for the best. Dennis Sandig is usually involved at connection points to mediate between specialist departments and development teams. He reports on his experiences at MAPAL.