• In the picture you can see an e-bike and its motor housing in an enlarged view

Alloggiamenti per motori elettrici di piccole dimensioni

Esempio: trasmissione per E-Bike

L’elettromobilità è entrata ormai da tempo nella nostra vita quotidiana. In questo contesto, i motori elettrici hanno inizialmente trovato la loro diffusione nel settore delle biciclette. Nella loro produzione, gli alloggiamenti del motore pongono una sfida: devono essere compatti e leggeri, ma allo stesso tempo altamente precisi. 

Negli ultimi decenni MAPAL ha acquisito una vasta esperienza nell’asportazione truciolo di corpi motore di piccole dimensioni, sia in alluminio che in magnesio, ad esempio nel caso di corpi per motoseghe, ciclomotori o tosaerba. Tuttavia, i requisiti di precisione sono ulteriormente cresciuti con l’elettrificazione. 

Drive of an e-bike


  • 两组件式或者三组件式(外壳体和盖子) 
  • 由铝材或者镁材质做成的压铸外壳 
  • 不稳定、薄壁的结构组件(易受振动影响) 
  • 多级轮廓序列 
  • 非常高的几何和尺寸要求(形状-、运行-和位置公差等) 


  • 圆度 < 0.01 mm 
  • 直径公差 IT7 
  • 平均粗糙度 Rz < 10 µm 


MAPAL PCD tool for the bearing and position bores on a magnesium housing.

在镁壳体上加工轴承孔和定位孔时,因为第三个轴承孔范围内的部件壁非常薄,首先面临着出现强烈振动的挑战。该刀具必须在预制孔上切出0.6-1 mm 的材料。  

圆度 < 0.01 mm 

直径公差 IT7 

平均粗糙度 Rz < 10 µm 

​​​​For this, MAPAL designed a complex, multi-step PCD combination tool which machines the three bearing bores and the bearing seat position bore in one shot - reliably and within the required tolerances.  

​​The tool works with the following cutting data:
  • Spindle speed 8,000 rpm
  • Feed rate 3,200 - 4,800 mm/min
  • Feed 0.1-0.15 mm

Drilling and milling combined in a single tool

 A combined drilling and milling tool from MAPAL for machining an electric motor housing made of die-cast magnesium.

Another tool combines milling and drilling on a magnesium housing. While drilling steps machine the bearing bore and the position bore, a milling step is used to produce the sealing groove. It was also important for this tool to prevent vibration and keep the cutting pressure low. The tool experts achieved this by optimally coordinating the number of teeth and the geometry of the milling step. This also avoids chips in the groove.​​​​​​​

Milling step cutting data:
  • Spindle speed 8,000 rpm
  • Feed rate 7,200 mm/min
  • Feed 0.15 mm

MAPAL offers an all-round package for the machining of small housings made of aluminium or magnesium.

First and foremost, PCD and solid carbide tools are ideal for machining both materials. Depending on the requirements and complexity, MAPAL will design the best concept including all tools and chucks. Combination tools, each covering several work steps, make the process more economical.
Tool overview for the machining of small motor housings
