Die Schruppoperation ist für den Großteil des Zerspanungsvolumens verantwortlich. Spezielle Frässtrategien wie die Hochvorschubbearbeitung oder das trochoide Fräsen können die Bearbeitungszeit reduzieren und somit die Wirtschaftlichkeit steigern. Neben Werkzeugen mit Wendeschneidplatten und Vollhartmetallfräsern kommen Hochleistungsfräser mit spezieller Schruppgeometrie zum Einsatz.
Desbastado de material residual
Tras el desbastado, los usuarios mecanizarán previamente en un segundo paso de mecanizado el material residual, en concreto, las esquinas y cavidades a la cota más constante posible. Normalmente, se usan herramientas con radios en los filos o fresa de alto avance. En caso necesario, una fresa esférica podría quitar también el material residual de las esquinas.
If there are high demands on dimensional accuracy and surface finish, semi-finishing is recommended before finishing. With pre-finishing, machining approaches the final mould profile. The aim is to obtain a residual material that is as constant as possible in order to enable fast finishing with high demands on the surface quality. The stock removal after roughing is approx. 0.5-1 mm for hardened materials and 0.03-0.5 mm for soft materials. After pre-finishing, the constant stock removal is 0.05-0.1 mm for hardened materials or 0.1-0.3 mm for soft materials.
The finishing process removes the remaining material in order to achieve the final shape. After pre-finishing, stock removal is 0.05-0.1 mm for hardened materials or 0.1-0.3 mm for soft materials. Ball and/or corner radius milling cutters are the tools of choice, regardless of the final contours of the workpiece.
Finitura del materiale residuo
Le proprietà sempre più complesse degli stampi da produrre richiedono la fresatura del materiale residuo una volta conclusa la lavorazione di finitura, soprattutto negli angoli. A tale scopo, vengono di norma utilizzate frese a profilo sferico in metallo duro integrale.