Bearbeitung von 3D-Flächen

On a rendered example component, an operation is highlighted.
  1. 粗旋削
  2. 残材の粗旋削
  3. 中仕上げ
  4. 仕上げ
  5. 残材の仕上げ 


Die Schruppoperation ist für den Großteil des Zerspanungsvolumens verantwortlich. Spezielle Frässtrategien wie die Hochvorschubbearbeitung oder das trochoide Fräsen können die Bearbeitungszeit reduzieren und somit die Wirtschaftlichkeit steigern. Neben Werkzeugen mit Wendeschneidplatten und Vollhartmetallfräsern kommen Hochleistungsfräser mit spezieller Schruppgeometrie zum Einsatz.
  • OptiMill®-3D-CR

    • Schlichten von 3D-Formen mit hochgenauem Eckradius
    • Hochgenauer Eckradius mit hoher Radiusgenauigkeit
    • Große Auswahl zur Hart- und Weichbearbeitung von Stahl
    • Unterschiedliche Zähnezahl verfügbar
    • Zylindrische und konische Form

  • OptiMill®-3D-HF

    • Ideal für die Hochvorschubbearbeitung mit großem Zeitspanvolumen bei hoher Prozesssicherheit
    • Innovative Stirngeometrie
    • Sehr hohe Laufruhe
    • Unterschiedliche Zähnezahlen verfügbar

  • OptiMill® Schruppfräser

    • OptiMill®-Uni-HPC-Plus für universelle Stahlbearbeitung
    • OptiMill®-Hardened zum Schruppen von Bauteilen mit einer Härte ab 45 HRC
    • Ausgezeichnete Werkzeugstandzeiten 
    • Verschleißbeständige Beschichtung
    • Verschiedene Eckenradien verfügbar

  • OptiMill®-Uni-Wave

    • Fünfschneidiger Kordel-Schruppfräser zum Schruppen mit hohen Vorschüben
    • Hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit durch höhere Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten
    • Optimaler Spanabtransport durch kurze, eng gerollte Späne
    • Wenig Vibrationen, dadurch große Laufruhe

  • OptiMill®-Uni-HPC-Pocket

    • Wirtschaftliche Herstellung von Taschen und Bohrungen
    • Dreischneidiger Fräser mit integrierter Bohrspitze 
    • Schräges Eintauchen bis 45°
    • Helixfräsen und Stechen ins Volle
    • Hohe Zustellmöglichkeit bis 2xD

  • NeoMill®-HiFeed90

    • Universelles Werkzeugsystem für höchste Produktivität
    • Ein Grundkörper mit Wendeschneidplatten zum Hochvorschub- und Eckfräsen
    • Höchste Abtragsraten durch extreme Vorschübe und große Spantiefen
    • Zwei- und vierschneidige Wendeschneidplatten verfügbar
    • Große Auswahl an Eckradien verfügbar

  • NeoMill®-ISO-360

    Fresa de placa redonda
    • Desbastado y semiacabado de perfiles en 3D
    • Precisión de perfiles óptima mediante posición de montaje neutra de los insertos de corte reversibles
    • Comportamiento de corte suave para un mecanizado con pocas vibraciones
    • Disponibles como fresa acoplable, fresa de zanco cilíndrico y fresa de rosca con diámetro dentro del rango de 10-160 mm

Desbastado de material residual

Tras el desbastado, los usuarios mecanizarán previamente en un segundo paso de mecanizado el material residual, en concreto, las esquinas y cavidades a la cota más constante posible. Normalmente, se usan herramientas con radios en los filos o fresa de alto avance. En caso necesario, una fresa esférica podría quitar también el material residual de las esquinas.
  • OptiMill®-3D-BN

    Fresa esférica completa en metal duro
    • Mecanizado muy preciso de contornos 3D
    • Fresas muy precisas con gran precisión de radio
    • Gran selección de mecanizado templado y blando de acero
    • Variantes z=2 y z=4, con y sin profundidad de trabajo
    • Formas cilíndricas y cónicas

  • OptiMill®-3D-CR

    Fresa de radio angular completa en metal duro
    • Alisado de formas en 3D con un radio angular muy preciso
    • Radio angular muy preciso con gran precisión de radio
    • Gran selección de mecanizado templado y blando de acero
    • Disponible con distinto número de dientes
    • Formas cilíndricas y cónicas

  • OptiMill®-3D-HF

    Fresa de alto avance completa en metal duro
    • Ideal para el mecanizado de gran avance con gran cantidad de remoción de material y alta estabilidad en el proceso
    • Geometría frontal innovadora
    • Gran suavidad de marcha
    • Disponible con distinto número de dientes

  • NeoMill®-ISO-360

    Fresa de placa redonda
    • Desbastado y semiacabado de perfiles en 3D
    • Precisión de perfiles óptima mediante posición de montaje neutra de los insertos de corte reversibles
    • Comportamiento de corte suave para un mecanizado con pocas vibraciones
    • Disponibles como fresa acoplable, fresa de zanco cilíndrico y fresa de rosca con diámetro dentro del rango de 10-160 mm


If there are high demands on dimensional accuracy and surface finish, semi-finishing is recommended before finishing. With pre-finishing, machining approaches the final mould profile. The aim is to obtain a residual material that is as constant as possible in order to enable fast finishing with high demands on the surface quality. The stock removal after roughing is approx. 0.5-1 mm for hardened materials and 0.03-0.5 mm for soft materials. After pre-finishing, the constant stock removal is 0.05-0.1 mm for hardened materials or 0.1-0.3 mm for soft materials.
  • OptiMill®-3D-BN

    Solid carbide ball cutter
    • High precision machining of 3D contours
    • High precision milling cutters with a high level of radius accuracy
    • Wide selection for hard and soft machining of steel
    • Variants z=2 und z=4, with and without working depth
    • Available in cylindrical and conical forms

  • OptiMill®-3D-CR

    Solid carbide corner radius milling cutter
    • Finishing of 3D moulds with a high-precision corner radius
    • High precision corner radius with high level of radius accuracy
    • Wide selection for hard and soft machining of steel
    • Different numbers of teeth available
    • Available in cylindrical and conical forms

  • OptiMill®-3D-CS

    Solid carbide shoulder radius milling cutter
    • Milling with a large operating radius
    • Finishing of complex free-form surfaces and complicated workpiece geometries
    • Short machining time due to large line interlacing
    • High surface quality

  • NeoMill®-HiFeed90

    90° corner/high-feed milling cutter
    • Universal tool system to ensure maximum productivity
    • Tool body with indexable inserts for high-feed and shoulder milling
    • Maximum rate of removal due to very high feed rates and large cutting depths
    • Double-edged and four-edged indexable inserts available
    • Large selection of corner radii available

  • NeoMill®-ISO-360

    Round-insert milling cutters
    • Roughing and pre-finishing of 3D contours
    • Optimum contours due to the indexable inserts being installed in a neutral position
    • Soft cutting behaviour for low vibration machining
    • Offered as shell type, shank and screw-in milling cutters in the diameter range 10-160 mm

  • NeoMill®-3D-Ballnose

    Ball and toric end milling cutters
    • Universal milling system to ensure maximum productivity
    • A tool body with ball and toric plates for pre-finishing and finishing of hardened steel
    • Precise rotational tolerances
    • Available as shank and screw-in milling cutters

  • NeoMill®-3D-Torus

    Toric end milling cutter
    • For the highest requirements regarding precision and process reliability
    • Special tool body for toric plates with additional stabilisation of the cutting edge
    • Precise rotational tolerances
    • Different corner radii available

  • NeoMill®-3D-Finish

    Finishing milling cutters
    • Universal finishing tool for all common workpiece materials
    • Particularly wear-resistant and precisely manufactured indexable inserts
    • Axial and radial indexable wiper inserts to provide an excellent surface finish
    • Vibration-free finishing even at great depths


The finishing process removes the remaining material in order to achieve the final shape. After pre-finishing, stock removal is 0.05-0.1 mm for hardened materials or 0.1-0.3 mm for soft materials. Ball and/or corner radius milling cutters are the tools of choice, regardless of the final contours of the workpiece.
  • OptiMill®-3D-BN

    Solid carbide ball cutter
    • High precision machining of 3D contours
    • High precision milling cutters with a high level of radius accuracy
    • Wide selection for hard and soft machining of steel
    • Variants z=2 und z=4, with and without working depth
    • Available in cylindrical and conical forms

  • OptiMill®-3D-CR

    Solid carbide corner radius milling cutter
    • Finishing of 3D moulds with a high-precision corner radius
    • High precision corner radius with high level of radius accuracy
    • Wide selection for hard and soft machining of steel
    • Different numbers of teeth available
    • Available in cylindrical and conical forms

  • OptiMill®-3D-CS

    Solid carbide shoulder radius milling cutter
    • Milling with a large operating radius
    • Finishing of complex free-form surfaces and complicated workpiece geometries
    • Short machining time due to large line interlacing
    • High surface quality

  • NeoMill®-ISO-360

    Round-insert milling cutters
    • Roughing and pre-finishing of 3D contours
    • Optimum contours due to the indexable inserts being installed in a neutral position
    • Soft cutting behaviour for low vibration machining
    • Offered as shell type, shank and screw-in milling cutters in the diameter range 10-160 mm

  • NeoMill®-3D-Ballnose

    Ball and toric end milling cutters
    • Universal milling system to ensure maximum productivity
    • A tool body with ball and toric plates for pre-finishing and finishing of hardened steel
    • Precise rotational tolerances
    • Available as shank and screw-in milling cutters

  • NeoMill®-3D-Torus

    Toric end milling cutter
    • For the highest requirements regarding precision and process reliability
    • Special tool body for toric plates with additional stabilisation of the cutting edge
    • Precise rotational tolerances
    • Different corner radii available

  • NeoMill®-3D-Finish

    Finishing milling cutters
    • Universal finishing tool for all common workpiece materials
    • Particularly wear-resistant and precisely manufactured indexable inserts
    • Axial and radial indexable wiper inserts to provide an excellent surface finish
    • Vibration-free finishing even at great depths

Finitura del materiale residuo

Le proprietà sempre più complesse degli stampi da produrre richiedono la fresatura del materiale residuo una volta conclusa la lavorazione di finitura, soprattutto negli angoli. A tale scopo, vengono di norma utilizzate frese a profilo sferico in metallo duro integrale.
  • OptiMill®-3D-BN

    Fresa a profilo sferico in metallo duro integrale
    • Lavorazione ad alta precisione di profili 3D
    • Fresa ad alta precisione con elevata precisione del profilo
    • Ampia scelta per la lavorazione dura e morbida dell’acciaio
    • Varianti z=2 e z=4, gambo scaricato e non
    • Forma cilindrica o conica

  • OptiMill®-3D-CR

    Fresa a profilo torico in metallo duro integrale
    • Finitura di forme 3D a raggio angolare ad alta precisione
    • Raggio angolare ad alta precisione con elevata precisione del profilo
    • Ampia scelta per la lavorazione dura e morbida dell’acciaio
    • Diversi numeri di denti disponibili
    • Forma cilindrica o conica

  • NeoMill®-3D-Ballnose

    Fresa a profilo sferico e fresa torica
    • Sistema di fresatura universale per la massima produttività
    • Corpo base con piastre sferiche e toriche per la prefinitura e finitura dell’acciaio temprato
    • Tolleranze precise di rotazione
    • Disponibile come fresa di finitura e fresa con fissaggio a vite

  • NeoMill®-3D-Torus

    Fresa torica
    • Per i requisiti più esigenti in termini di precisione e sicurezza dei processi
    • Corpo base speciale per piastre toriche con stabilizzazione supplementare per angolo del tagliente
    • Tolleranze precise di rotazione
    • Diversi raggi d’angolo disponibili