
A turn of events

How the TET-CAM team is bringing project planning to another level

Since 1 April 2022, a newly formed team of CAM programmers in the Technology Expert Team (TET) in Aalen is developing machining strategies for parts and simulating various machining situations with CAM software. This is particularly valuable for the die & mould sector and the aerospace industry.

Screenshot einer Videosimulation von der Zerspanung eines Bauteils
  • Screenshot einer Videosimulation von der Zerspanung eines Bauteils
  • Das TET-CAM-Team
  • Die Mitarbeiter in der Entwicklung
  • The Market Segment Management.

Structural parts, moulds or dies that are machined from the solid put different demands on the machining strategy than MAPAL’s classical bore machining. In projects related to the die & mould sector and the aerospace industry, the development of machining strategies is very important. 2D drawings and work plans are of little significance there. The machining strategy andoptimal tools have to be defined and then visualised and validated via smart CAM simulations for the customers.

CAM programmers provide support here. They are part of the TET project planning in Aalen where they have formed their own team since 1 April. “With the market entry in the die & mould sector, there was a big demand to provide our tools together with a machining suggestion”, explains Dietmar Maichel, Global Head of Segment Management Die & Mould. “We are happy to have found such expert support in the form of the TET-CAM team.” Lars Ziegler, Head of the TET-CAM team, adds: “Without the technical support of CAM software, it is difficult to visualise the milling paths of structural parts or moulds with angles or free-form surfaces.” The TET-CAM team’s support is not limited to certain market segments, but the commonalities with the die & mould sector and the aerospace industry are the biggest.

The TET-CAM-Team
Lars Ziegler (on the right) heads the TET-CAM team.  @MAPAL
The six leading CAM software systems are implemented at MAPAL. The approach is both iterative and cooperative. The machining strategy is defined in close consultation with the customer, technical consultants on site, specialists from the market segment and development, and the TET-CAM team. “Sharing experiences and customer proximity have always been characteristically MAPAL. This has also been beneficial for this approach which is relatively new to us”, Dietmar Maichel and Lars Ziegler point out. “In the die & mould sector in particular, the customers deploy CAD/CAM systems and have a great deal of experience in this area. We don’t want to call this expertise into question with our offering, but rather give new impetus and show alternatives.” The benefits for the customers do not end with the procurement: The CAM specialists together with MAPAL’s R&D Centre in Aalen are also available for optimisation that cannot be tested on site during a project without stopping production.

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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