Empower Your Aluminium Machining
L’ingegneria è la chiave
Keeping up to date digitally:
- News from the international MAPAL Group,
- developments and updates on products, solutions and services as well as
- dates of upcoming trade fairs and events.
Settori e soluzioni
- Settore automobilistico
- Elettromobilità
- Fluidodinamica
- Costruzione di stampi e matrici
- Ingegneria aerospaziale
Soluzioni per utensili e processi unite ad una vasta gamma di utili servizi
MAPAL dispone di un vasto assortimento di prodotti e di una vasta gamma di servizi. E' così che da utensili speciali realizzati in versione personalizzata e da prodotti standard ad alte prestazioni nascono soluzioni di lavorazione in grado di rispondere in modo ottimale ai requisiti di sicurezza, precisione e redditività.
Con l'utile abbinamento di intelligenti servizi personalizzati, il cliente ottiene un pacchetto completo per il suo processo di lavorazione.
La tua carriera in MAPAL
Ultime notizie
MAPAL donates 2,100 euros for the dragon children of Radio 7
MAPAL has made a donation of 2,100 euros to Radio 7's Dragon Children campaign.
Customer Productivity: MAPAL works closely with the companies Zimmermann and Blum
Tool manufacturer MAPAL is consortium leader of a cooperation with machine manufacturer F. Zimmernann and measuring technology specialist Blum
CORMOL relies on milling cutters such as the OptiMill-3D-HF from MAPAL for tool making
CORMOL from Portugal manufactures stamping tools, for which it has been working closely with MAPAL since 2022. With the OptiMill-3D-HF, CORMOL has found a reliable and economical tool solution.
Blood donation at MAPAL
More than 80 MAPAL employees donated their blood at a blood drive organized by young trainees.
Another design award for the UNIQ hydraulic chucks from MAPAL
Following the iF Design Award and the Good Design Award, the UNIQ hydraulic chucks from MAPAL have also been honoured with the Green Design Award, which focuses on sustainability.
MAPAL underlines its aluminum competence for pneumatics with focus components
For the machining of a pneumatic valve housing and a pneumatic cylinder, MAPAL can draw on its expertise and product portfolio for aluminum machining.