• Aufnahme einer grünen Wiese. Zwei Hände halten eine stilisierte Erde.

Nachhaltigkeit bei MAPAL

Das Ziel ist eine klimaneutrale Produktion

„Wir stehen hier in der Pflicht bei zukünftigen Generationen und auf diesen Umstand legen wir als Familienunternehmen besonderen Wert. Wir haben uns klare und messbare Ziele in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit gesteckt und arbeiten mit ganzer Kraft auf diese Ziele hin.“

Dr. Jochen Kress, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der MAPAL Gruppe

Die Umwelt zu schützen, Ressourcen verantwortungsbewusst einzusetzen und die CO₂-Emissionen möglichst gering zu halten – MAPAL sieht das als eine unerlässliche Aufgabe und ein Schlüsselelement seiner strategischen Ausrichtung an. In jedem Produkt- und Unternehmensbereich spielt der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke eine wichtige Rolle.

Im Rahmen der Zertifizierung zur Umweltnorm DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 wurde ein Managementsystem implementiert, das alle Aspekte einer nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ressourcen berücksichtigt.

Das Umwelt- und Klimaschutzkonzept der internationalen MAPAL Gruppe ist ganzheitlich angelegt und basiert auf mehreren Säulen.

Säulen der Nachhaltigkeit

  • MAPAL headquarters in Aalen from above with PV system

    Energy from renewable sources

    MAPAL is continuously expanding the carbon-neutral energy supply at its production sites. From 2024, MAPAL’s main plant in Aalen will produce around one megawatt peak of solar power each year by operating its own photovoltaic systems. The subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, India, Australia and South Korea already cover a substantial proportion of their electricity demand using solar energy or are completely self-sufficient in electricity. The plants in Germany source environmentally friendly green electricity for their additional electricity requirements. 

    State-of-the-art heating concepts contribute to a sustainable energy supply and improved energy efficiency. MAPAL is continuously investing in the use of combined heat and power units, the use of waste heat from machines, heat recovery systems, efficient heat pumps and environmentally friendly LED technology.

  • Employees in a parking lot with MTB

    Environmentally friendly transport

    MAPAL is also committed to a green future in the field of transport. New company vehicles only include electric or hybrid models. E-charging points are available at many sites for visitor, employee and company vehicles, and their roll-out is continually being expanded.

    MAPAL also encourages its employees to opt for environmentally friendly transport and provides incentives at its sites in Germany, for example, with a bike-to-work programme, subsidised rail and local transport and remote working options. 

    MAPAL also actively supports the formation of car pools among employees. Employees can arrange to travel to work together using specially set up apps.

  • The EMAG machine can be seen as a whole.

    Occupational safety and health protection

    The introduction of a management system for occupational safety in accordance with ISO 45001 includes measures for the safe handling, disposal and substitution of working materials and hazardous substances. This is done to protect the environment and ensure the health of employees. The aim is to address risks preventively, reduce the ecological footprint and integrate sustainable practices into day-to-day operations. ISO 45001 certification demonstrates MAPAL's strong commitment to environmental protection and occupational safety, which directly contributes to the promotion of a sustainable corporate culture. MAPAL not only effectively protects its employees, but also reinforces its role as a responsible player in the global quest for sustainability.

  • The picture shows grey recyclate packaging. At the top left is a lettering in the picture.

    Promotion of circular economy

    Conscious use of recyclable materials and their recycling as part of a sustainable closed-loop system are part of the company's environmental management. In the area of packaging, MAPAL uses protective covers made from recycled materials. They keep environmentally harmful emissions and the use of plastic to a minimum without compromising on the requirements of high packaging quality for optimum protection of the tools.

    MAPAL also endeavours to procure paper and cardboard material from sources of sustainable and certified forestry. To protect forests, the climate and biodiversity, all paper-based processes are also being reviewed and gradually replaced by modern, digital data management systems.

  • MAPAL_Neuheiten2024_Nachhaltigkeit.jpg

    Sustainability and durability of the products

    As a technology partner, MAPAL helps customers to make their machining processes sustainable. Smart combination tools, minimum quantity lubrication technology and hydraulic clamping technology all help achieve this. Replaceable head solutions or the streamlining of tool circulation through smart and reliable tool management solutions also address the issue of sustainability. MAPAL ensures that valuable resources are used sustainably by reconditioning, maintaining or reworking tools.


ISO 14001:2015

Le Groupe MAPAL en Allemagne

MAPAL Group Europe

MAPAL Group America

MAPAL Group Asia

ISO 50001:2018 - Energy Management

MAPAL Group Germany

ISO 45001:2018 - Arbeitsschutzmanagement

MAPAL Gruppe Europa

MAPAL Gruppe Asien