MAPAL ad Aalen
Sede centrale del gruppo MAPAL
I circa 1800 dipendenti di Aalen danno forma al presente e al futuro, coinvolgendo in questo quasi 130 apprendisti, mossi da autentica convinzione. In qualità di uno tra i più importanti datori di lavoro della regione, siano in grado di dare una prospettiva chiara per il futuro e di ciò siamo davvero fieri.
Diventa parte del team
La maschera di input ti permette anche di filtrare le varie posizioni eseguendo una preselezione.
Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere la tua candidatura!
Benefit per i dipendenti nella sede di Aalen
Di seguito ti indichiamo i benefit da noi offerti ai nostri dipendenti.
In caso di malessere, i nostri dipendenti possono naturalmente rivolgersi al servizio medico aziendale anche a prescindere da queste visite.
Inoltre, in tutti gli edifici dell'azienda sono disponibili distributori automatici di snack e bevande.
Siamo anche entusiasti promotori di varie attività sportive. Ad esempio, paghiamo parte delle quote d'iscrizione per gare di nuoto, corsa e ciclismo oppure forniamo l'abbigliamento delle squadre.
I nostri dipendenti possono inoltre partecipare a seminari e workshop su diversi temi, quali ergonomia sul posto di lavoro, esercizio fisico, nutrizione e gestione dello stress.
I dipendenti che lavorano a turni, gli apprendisti, i tirocinanti e i lavoratori stagionali lavorano a orari fissi, in quanto dipendono da altri collaboratori.
Siamo un’azienda familiare allargata e ci sentiamo come una grande famiglia, perciò ci piace anche festeggiare insieme. A seconda della sede, vengono organizzati, ad esempio, festival estivi oppure il nostro annuale mercatino di Natale. La nostra Coppa del Mondo ovvero Campionato Europeo di calcio MAPAL si svolge ogni due anni, riunendo colleghi provenienti da varie sedi in Germania e all’estero.
Alcuni eventi sono riservati esclusivamente ai dipendenti, altri includono anche parenti e visitatori.
Noi tutti siamo un’unica MAPAL e sappiamo apprezzare i risultati dei nostri dipendenti. Per questo una volta l’anno rendiamo omaggio ai nostri colleghi di lunga data con una festa a cui sono invitati anche i dipendenti ormai pensionati.
Ricevono inoltre sconti esclusivi per viaggi, moda, tecnologia e molto altro. Le offerte mensili possono essere visualizzate direttamente sull’intranet tramite una piattaforma online o tramite la relativa app.
Sulla nostra intranet si trova una grande quantità di informazioni, servizi e opportunità per una cooperazione di successo con e in MAPAL.
In caso di domande, siamo a tua disposizione!
Il team di formazione nella sede di Aalen
Attualmente sei istruttori del centro di formazione di Aalen, insieme a Uwe Heßler, direttore della formazione, sono responsabili del settore tecnico-industriale.
Michael Barth
I am Michael Barth and have been working as a training officer in the IT sector for over 20 years. As a trainer in this area, it is particularly important to me to provide the best possible support to our trainee IT specialists in both technical and practical terms.
The continuity of my role as training officer emphasises the sustainable training practice at MAPAL. The training of computer scientists is an important task that encompasses a broad spectrum of IT knowledge and skills. Teaching programming skills, network technologies and other relevant skills is therefore crucial to prepare our trainees for their professional challenges.
Daniel Bayerle
I am Daniel Bayerle and at the training centre I am responsible for imparting knowledge in the field of conventional turning and milling as well as the basics of CNC milling. I enjoy passing on my knowledge to young and motivated people and preparing them for their future working life.
After my training as a cutting machine operator and two years as a CNC lathe operator, I joined MAPAL as a CNC grinder in June 2014. After three years on a CNC-controlled five-axis grinding machine, I trained to become a metalworking foreman and then took on the role of production foreman in cutting edge production. I have been working in the training centre since the start of training in 2022 and supervise trainees in their first and second year of training.
Heiko Berger
I am Heiko Berger and I supervise the trainees in the training centre in the areas of cylindrical/flat and tool grinding.
I myself completed my training as a cutting machine operator at MAPAL. I was particularly interested in the CNC grinding specialisation. After my apprenticeship, I therefore worked in the HPR fixed tools department at MAPAL and at the same time trained to become an IHK industrial foreman. After my further training, I gained experience in work preparation and finally moved to the training centre in 2014.
Michaela Brendle
I am Michaela Brendle, trainer for industrial clerks. I supervise our trainees from the job interview to the induction programme and intensive preparation for the final examination. During their three-year training programme, I also support young, motivated people in their personal development. This gives me great pleasure. I maintain close contact with the trainees. My door is always open for any questions.
I am a qualified industrial clerk myself. I have been working at MAPAL since 2014 and took over responsibility for commercial training in 2021.
Gerd Dambacher
My name is Gerd Dambacher and I supervise our trainees in their 1st year of training. I also prepare our industrial mechanics for their final exams. It gives me great pleasure to see how young people develop into great adults during their training period.
I completed my training as a cutting machine operator here at MAPAL in 1994. I then worked in fixture construction and had contact with many trainees there. Alongside my work, I successfully completed further training as a technician in mechanical engineering and a course of study to become a certified vocational teacher (IHK). Finally, in 1999, I came to my current place of work - the training centre.
Peter Kohnle
I am Peter Kohnle and I supervise our 2nd and 3rd year apprentices in the areas of CNC turning and CNC milling. I enjoy working with young, motivated people, passing on my expertise and supporting the trainees until they successfully complete their training.
After my training as a cutting machine operator at MAPAL, I programmed and milled ISO tools on the machine. After three years on the job, I trained as a mechanical engineering technician. I then worked on the programming of multi-spindle machines. In 2013, I moved to the training centre and completed further qualifications so that I could train young people.
Robin Offinger
I am Robin Offinger and I supervise our trainees in the areas of CNC milling and turning. I also prepare our cutting machine operators for their final exams. Supporting young people at this stage of their lives is a great and exciting task. I really enjoy helping to shape the trainees' development and accompanying them on their journey from school to working life.
I am a trained cutting machine operator and worked for six years as a CNC grinder in MAPAL adapter production. Whilst working, I completed further training to become a technical business administrator (IHK). I have been a technical instructor at our training centre since 2002.