Vom 13. bis 17. September 2022 öffnet die AMB in Stuttgart ihre Tore. Nach der langen Messepause in Deutschland durch die Absage 2020 wird die Internationale Ausstellung für Metallbearbeitung mit Spannung erwartet. Auf einem 390 Quadratmeter großen Stand in Halle 1, Stand D10, ist die Messepräsentation von MAPAL klar in die vier Fokusbranchen Automotive, Luftfahrt, Werkzeug- und Formenbau sowie Fluidtechnik gegliedert.
„Wir haben die letzten beiden Jahre sehr intensiv genutzt und uns strategisch neu ausgerichtet,“ erläutert Siegfried Wendel, Chief Sales Officer, den Messeauftritt. „Für unsere definierten Fokusbranchen haben wir eine Mannschaft formiert und das Produktportfolio zur Marktreife gebracht. Die Ergebnisse der neuen Marktstrategie präsentieren wir erstmals in vollem Umfang auf der AMB.“
„Bei künftigen Investitionsvorhaben unserer Kunden steht sicherlich auch der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke im Fokus. Wir setzen an vielen Stellen an, um zerspanende Prozesse nachhaltiger zu machen. Da spielt die Technologie der Minimalmengenschmierung ebenso eine Rolle wie die Hydrodehnspanntechnik. Wechselkopflösungen oder die Verschlankung des Werkzeugumlaufs durch intelligente und zuverlässige Toolmanagementlösungen bringen weitere Vorteile in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit. Wir freuen uns darauf, dieses Thema im Detail auf der Messe besprechen zu können.“
Neuheiten und Fokusthemen zur AMB – eine Auswahl
Neue Schneidstoffe zum Reiben und Feinbohren, MN-Baureihen
MAPAL presents the two new cutting materials HP016 and HP018. They are specially designed for the particular requirements of reaming and fine boring high-alloy and stainless steels as well as cast steel and hardened steel. The HP016 cutting material is suitable for all machining operations with a slightly interrupted cut, while the HP018 cutting material is used for continuous cutting conditions. Both are based on a silicon doped PVD coating on two different carbide grades with low cobalt content, which stands for extreme wear resistance and high dimensional accuracy.
The new cutting materials will be used for the market launch in the reamers of the MN series, among others. These tools stand for the very highest accuracies, can also be optimally used for hard reaming and for reaming stainless steel thanks to the new cutting materials and are now available within ten working days. They function according to the “MAPAL principle” - with one indexable insert and guide pads arranged around the circumference, which are made of carbide, cermet or PCD depending on the application.
E-Mobility: Basic, Performance and Expert Solutions
Tool solutions for e-mobility are of particular importance in the automotive sector. For demanding components that will be produced in high quantities, MAPAL presents different machining levels: Basic, Performance and Expert. The new classification describes the different machining solutions depending on the quality requirements, number of units and investment. The Performance Line is aimed at series production and focuses on machining with special tools. It is mainly used when new components are to be produced efficiently and economically on existing systems.
FaceMill-Diamond-ES and NeoMill-T-Finish increase economic efficiency in aluminium milling
MAPAL is expanding its aluminium milling programme with two new products. The FaceMill-Diamond-ES is a versatile all-rounder that ensures high economic efficiency and sustainable process reliability in demanding production conditions with smaller quantities and changing component types. The indexable insert milling cutters of the new NeoMill-T-Finish series provide a significant increase in the economy and efficiency of finish machining in series production. The finish milling cutter with exchangeable inserts functions according to the plug & play principle: customers change the inserts directly on site without having to adjust them afterwards. In addition, this also means that fewer tool bodies have to be kept in stock. What makes the new milling cutter unique is a patent-pending system of insert arrangement, which results in a homogeneous wear pattern of the cutting edges, longer tool life and thus a low cost per part.
Titanium milling: NeoMill-4-HiFeed90 and OptiMill-Tro-Titan
The tool programme for titanium machining is expanded by two efficient milling tools. The five-edged trochoidal milling cutter OptiMill-Tro-Titan is characterised by maximum metal removal rate and shines with excellent surfaces due to unequal spacing and unequal pitch of the cutting edges. It is designed for trochoidal milling in partial cutting, trimming and for cutting depths up to 3xD. The new radial insert milling cutter NeoMill-4-HiFeed90 will be available as an end mill, screw-in milling cutter and milling cutter head from January 2023. The universally applicable high feed milling cutter stands for high productivity and is characterised by the highest stock removal rates, very high feed rates and large chip depths.
CORMOL from Portugal manufactures stamping tools, for which it has been working closely with MAPAL since 2022. With the OptiMill-3D-HF, CORMOL has found a reliable and economical tool solution.
Following the iF Design Award and the Good Design Award, the UNIQ hydraulic chucks from MAPAL have also been honoured with the Green Design Award, which focuses on sustainability.