
The production must go on

Schabmüller with tool management from MAPAL

When the automotive supplier Schabmüller received a huge order in 2013 with almost one million parts to be manufactured per year, tool management became necessary for the variety of tools used. The manufacturer placed its trust in MAPAL and has since implemented a whole series of projects together with the tool manufacturer.

The company, which is located in Großmehring near Ingolstadt, has been operating under the name Schabmüller Automobiltechnik GmbH (SMI) since 2003. Before this, the company, founded in 1978 by Franz Schabmüller, was active in the field of special vehicle construction. In 1988, the company entered the automotive supply industry. With the machining and assembly of cubic engine and chassis parts, Schabmüller became a service provider for the automotive industry.

Nowadays, with around 150 employees, Schabmüller is a premium supplier, particularly for automobile manufacturers with high production volumes. Schabmüller can include Daimler, Audi/Porsche and Jaguar/Land Rover in its list of references. However, the most important customer is the VW Group, for which SMI has commissioned its largest plant to date for the production of cylinder head covers. The plant contains 16 machining centres, 26 robots and a number of peripheral machines for downstream machining steps. SMI produces ASM cylinder head covers here for the customer. These consist of a left and right cylinder head cover for the VW 3.0 litre V-group engine, fully assembled with camshaft bearing covers. Over 320,000 sets are produced annually.

Schabmüller produces over 320,000 sets of the cylinder head cover annually. It is installed in all larger vehicles of the VW Group.   ©MAPAL
SMI operates predominantly as a Tier 2 supplier, machining parts for large foundry companies. In the meantime, an aluminium forge has also joined the list of clients. Managing Director Helmut Häckl sets great store by this expansion: “The forge mainly orders chassis parts from us. This presents an opportunity for us to diversify in that direction.”

Focus on large-scale series necessities organisational adjustments

Before large-scale series production really took off, SMI produced solely with stand-alone machines: One job at a time was processed manually on a machining centre with one worker. When SMI then received an order in 2013 to manufacture bearing frames for the VW Group, which were to be produced in a quantity of 970,000 parts, manufacturing had to be reorganised. “It was clear to us that the tool volume would no longer be manageable for us if we equipped seven or eight machines for the same order”, Häckl explains. “It would have been difficult for production management to keep an eye on the quality of the tools and to follow their reconditioning in terms of deadlines. The production must go on and not stop because a tool is missing somewhere.”

But that’s exactly what had happened in the past. For example, five drills were used up in one night, and the early shift started the day with one last remaining tool. Nobody understood what happened. In other areas, a lack of systematic tool withdrawal resulted in the fact that worn tools ended up in the drawer together with new ones, leading to bottlenecks since this had not been recognised in time. Managing Director Häckl is clear: “Due to this lack of verifiability of tool removals, we kept having huge problems in production.” 

MAPAL is the sole tool supplier

SMI needed a supplier who would provide, manage and continuously optimise the tools. “Of course, we have in-depth knowledge of the tool cutting edge. This is important so that the specialists from both companies can discuss the optimal tool design on an equal footing”, says Häckl. It was obvious that MAPAL would be entrusted with the tool management, as the tool manufacturer is an important supplier for Schabmüller’s production, in which many PCD and solid carbide tools are used.
Have already managed several projects in close partnership at Schabmüller (from left): Helmut Häckl (Managing Director at SMI), Matthias Hahn (Project Manager for Tool Management at MAPAL), Michael Stockbauer (Application Engineer/Tool Manager at MAPAL) and Albert Neumeier (Production Manager at SMI).   ©MAPAL

Tool management services are tailored to the needs of the customer. At Schabmüller, the complete package includes tool material requirement planning, tool presetting, dispensing and reconditioning, technical support for series production, tool and cycle time optimisation as well as tool life optimisation. Tool dispensing is centrally located in the manufacturing area. In addition to a range of horizontal drawer cabinets from the UNIBASE range, MAPAL has also installed vertical cabinets at Schabmüller. Their high drawers are particularly suitable for large complete machining tools.

Around 90 per cent of the tools used by SMI are project-related custom tools. “We use these custom tools to achieve the shortest possible cycle times”, explains Michael Stockbauer, Application Engineer and Tool Manager at MAPAL. “You couldn’t achieve these times with standard tools.” Together with colleagues, Stockbauer is on site in Großmehring three to four times a week. When a new project is being launched, MAPAL can even be on site every day.

All-round service for the customer

The tool specialists take care of tools that need to be repaired or sent for regrinding. New tools are ordered if necessary. The technicians set complete tools in the immediate vicinity of tool dispensing and store them with the appropriate dimensions so that the worker can take them from the dispensing machine. A separate shelf is used to store worn tools that have reached the end of their tool life.
Michael Stockbauer (Application Engineer/Tool Manager MAPAL) setting a 100 mm milling head with PCD milling cartridges.   ©MAPAL

Matthias Hahn, Project Manager Tool Management at MAPAL, sees a major advantage for the customer in the tool setting service: “If the workers had to equip and set the tool themselves, they would be busy for about half an hour while the machine is at a stand-still. This adds up very quickly with multiple machines.” Quality is also guaranteed better if the same skilled workers always carry out the setting.

“Due to the good experience, MAPAL is regularly one of the first contacts for tool design when new projects come around”, emphasises Häckl. They also appreciate the short response times: “When we send a CAD model to MAPAL, we get word back from Stephan Streck very quickly. If it’s urgent, we already have an indicative price quote or suggestions for possible solutions for critical tools after three to four days.” As a technical advisor, Streck was already in charge of the introduction of tool management – a familiarity that is also appreciated by the customer.

Everything in view via digital logistics

At Schabmüller, MAPAL uses vertical cabinets (right) for long projecting tools in addition to the horizontal drawer cabinets.   Schabmüller社では、MAPALは横型のドロワーキャビネットに加え、長尺の突き出し工具用に縦型キャビネット(右)を使用している ©MAPAL



密接に連携して取り組むことで、作業工程が改善される。SMIはまずMAPALが指定した切削データで新しい工具を動かし、段階的に最適化していく。「それでうまくいかなければ、MAPALを導入します。どのプロジェクトでも少しトリッキーな工具があり、ミーリングの手順を少し調整しないと思い通りにならないことがあります。」Matthias Hahnは、このアプローチを高く評価している。「Schabmüller社は私たちに様々な要求をしてくれますが、それが良い結果につながるのです。」とプロダクションマネージャーのAlbert Neumeierは語っている。

Matthias Hahn (Project Manager Tool Management MAPAL) at one of the vertical cabinets in tool dispensing, which also offer space for long tools.   Matthias Hahn(MAPA社 ツールマネージメントプロジェクトマネージャー) ツールディスペンシング機能搭載の長い工具も収納できる縦型キャビネット ©MAPAL
工具に関する予備知識をさらに深めるため、アーレンとアルテンシュタットにあるMAPALアカデミーでSMIの従業員3名を対象に4日間のトレーニングが開催された。超硬ソリッドツール、PCDツール、ファインボーリングツール、そして刃先に関する知識の習得はもちろんのこと、参加者たちは何よりもこのトレーニングの実用性の高さを賞賛した。「この評価の高いトレーニングをより多くの従業員に実施したいと考えています。」とAlbert Neumeierは続ける。


他のサプライヤーと同様、SMIも定期的な監査を受けなければならない。今年は、社内で活動する外部パートナーも監査を受けた。MAPAL ツールマネジメントは第三者による調査を受け、すぐに100点満点中98.5点を達成した。監査員は作業工程について、よく考えられた効率的なものであると賞賛した。

Schabmüller社は急成長を続けている。現在、新しいプロジェクトの準備が本格化している。既存の2ヵ所の事業所に加え、3ヵ所目の事業所を建設中で、そこでは2025年からVWグループの1.5リッターエンジン用シリンダーヘッドカバーが独占的に生産される予定だ。年間生産量は91万個を超え、機械設備への投資額は2450万ユーロに達する。MAPAL も工具ディスペンス・システムによる工具管理でこのプロジェクトをサポートする。現在までに、SMI社はすでにMAPAL社の750種類の工具を使用している。新しいプロジェクトでは、さらに約150種類が追加される予定である。

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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