• Two young people discussing a task.
  • Growing Together
    So, you want to evolve in both aspects –
    technologically and in terms of your career.
    Get to know us!

Working in the MAPAL IT world

We're proud to set the course for the future together with you. In doing so, we rely on a human approach, foresight and well thought-out organisation. All this forms the basis for a foresightful and reliable perspective as well as the quality of our products and services. As an employer and technology partner, this is something we've always been proud of. Now, we want to grow even more – with you as part of our team.

Not only are you an important driver of digitisation, you start from the bottom up with every line of code. This makes you a perfect fit for our team because we have put digitisation as the main focus of our competencies and services. We work internationally, in agile teams and using the latest tools and frameworks. This means there are challenging projects and development opportunities for you working with us.

Hien Vo is Software Developer at MAPAL Aalen.

IT Projects

Want to know which projects our teams are working on, which technology we use and how our processes work? We've put together a short deep dive for you to show you a selection of our projects.

  • Variant configuration

    With the variant configuration in the operating document, we can react quickly to customer requirements and ensure that a tool can be manufactured in the desired manner and at the planned cost.

  • Machine learning for PCD cutting edges

    How we use deep learning technologies to detect microscopic material defects in PCD cutting edges and provide targeted feedback.

People Who Work With Us

  • Hien Vo, Software Developer

    The real sprint starts when you start working with sprints. Hien Vo lives and breathes agile processes and knows every ticket in the backlog. Born in Vietnam, she works with the IT and Marketing departments as well as with external service providers around the world to create the best possible user experience for MAPAL’s online presence.

  • Moritz Mäurer, Master Data Manager

    He’s on board as early as when the first sketches are drawn up according to DIN structures and he’s still there when the companies receive operational support. Moritz Mäurer takes a holistic approach to product development.

  • Joshua Roth, Junior Inhouse Consultant

    The future becomes tangible when innovative technologies become an everyday part of the working world. Joshua Roth tests the extent to which processes can be automated with Machine Learning and reports on his experiences as a young professional at MAPAL.

  • Erwin Schuster, Chief Information Officer

    Between big data analytics, artificial intelligence and new business models, Erwin Schuster and his teams create the general conditions so that technological progress is a reality at all levels every day at MAPAL.

  • Sebastian Schaal, Team Leader IT Client Management

    All roads lead to Aalen. From here, IT Client Management orchestrates the technical infrastructure of the MAPAL sites. Sebastian Schaal works to ensure that all employees worldwide benefit from the same user experience.

Living & working: our benefits

A good work-life balance, an attractive work environment or future-oriented training opportunities - we share your view of modern work.
As a grown family company that has been operating internationally for a long time, we feel particularly responsible for each team member. It is important to us to create a working atmosphere in which you can work happily and with motivation. We offer you many benefits in the workplace and beyond.

Further training for professional and personal development

We put a lot of emphasis on continued and further training. Thanks to our highly qualified employees and managers, we are able to offer our customers innovative and highly productive tool solutions, allowing us to get ahead of the competition. Which is also where we intend to stay. The only way for us to achieve this aim is for our employees to always be in possession of the most up-to-date specialist knowledge.

As a response to the importance of this issue, the MAPAL Academy was established. It develops professional, social and intercultural programmes and seminars that are implemented locally at the subsidiaries of the MAPAL Group. This ensures that course contents are always up-to-date and of high quality.

Extensive continued training programmes, such as in the areas of languages or products & technology, help employees and managers keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date.

A constantly changing work environment on top of new megatrends in industry and the private sphere mean that people have to be willing to keep learning new things over the whole course of their lives. Further training for personal development is therefore also an important building block in MAPAL's approach to further training.

There are a wide range of opportunities for development at MAPAL, where we offer exciting and varied challenges for our employees. Whether it’s in the technical or commercial field, if you are committed and willing to learn, you can make progress along various paths.

Mobile Working & Flexible Working Hours
It is important to you to be able to organize your times flexibly and to work mobile if necessary. We understand that.
That is why we offer mobile working and flexible working time models - based on personal responsibility and mutual trust. We are convinced that our employees are particularly motivated and successful when they can rely on optimal framework conditions.
Gesundheitsförderung & Sport

Deine Gesundheit ist das A und O. Als Arbeitgeber nehmen wir unsere Fürsorgepflicht ernst: Sicherheit und Schutz haben für uns höchste Priorität. Darum kannst du aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Gesundheitsförderung interessante Angebote wählen. An jedem Standort arbeiten wir die Kurse zum Thema Arbeitsschutz, Vorsorge, Ernährung, Bewegung und Ergonomie individuell aus.
Dein sportliches Engagement in der Freizeit fördern wir. Wenn du beispielsweise an Schwimmwettbewerben, Lauf- oder Radrennen teilnimmst, stellen wir dir Teamkleidung zur Verfügung oder erstatten dir einen Teil der Startgebühren.

International aktiv & regional verwurzelt

25 Länder mit Produktions-, Vertriebs- und Servicenieder-lassungen bieten immer wieder interessante Aufgabenstellungen mit internationaler Ausrichtung. Du stehst im Zentrum und bist in engem Austausch mit Teams anderer Standorte in Deutschland und weltweit.
Du arbeitest eng vernetzt über die Standorte hinweg und hältst über unsere Kommunikationskanäle und Geschäftsreisen regelmäßig Kontakt zu Teams an anderen Standorten. So schaffen wir eine enge Zusammenarbeit und ein einheitliches Auftreten – national wie international.

Moderne Tools & Arbeitsmethoden
In unseren Offices und natürlich an jedem Ort der Welt stehen dir neueste Tools und leistungsfähige Hardware zur Verfügung. 
Du arbeitest beispielsweise Cloud basiert im Office 365° Umfeld, mit SharePoint oder Teams. Wir setzen auf agile Entwicklungsmethoden und haben auf Scrum umgestellt. In den Projektvorstellungen erfährst du mehr Details über die individuellen Frameworks und Abläufe. Schau mal rein.
Betriebliche Altersvorsorge
Wir fördern unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter beim Aufbau einer zusätzlichen Altersversorgung, um die eventuell im Ruhestand entstehende Versorgungslücke zu mindern.

MAPAL in Zahlen

  • Das Bild zeigt einen MAPAL Nutfräser im Einsatz.


    Technologieführer für die zerspanende Bearbeitung von kubischen Bauteilen

  • In dem Bild wirft der Betrachter einen Blick in das Versuchs- und Entwicklungszentrum von MAPAL in Aalen.


    Jährliche Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung in Höhe von 6 Prozent des Umsatzes

  • Das Bild zeigt eine Weltkarte, auf der die 25 Länder markiert sind, in denen MAPAL mit Niederlassungen vertreten ist.


    Niederlassungen mit Produktion, Vertrieb und Service in 25 Ländern

  • Auf dem Bild prüfen zwei Auszubildende die Genauigkeit eines Werkzeugs.


    Mehr als 300 Auszubildende weltweit

  • Das Bild zeigt einen technischen Berater von MAPAL im Gespräch mit einem Kunden.


    Über 450 technische Berater im Außendienst

  • Zwei MAPAL Mitarbeiter am Schreibtisch sind auf diesem Bild zu sehen.


    Das größte Gut: Mehr als 5.000 Mitarbeiter weltweit.