• An exterior view of Hall 6 at the MAPAL headquarters in Aalen.

MAPAL in Aalen

Headquarters of the MAPAL Group

This is where you can really feel the heartbeat of MAPAL: Aalen is the location for MAPAL’s headquarters – rooted in the region, with international vision. 
Around 1,800 employees at the Aalen site are shaping our present and our future. Almost 130 trainees are on board – out of dedication. As one of the largest employers in the region, we create a clear perspective for the future. We’re proud of this.

Become Part of the Team

This input mask takes you directly to our career portal, where you can find out about vacancies and apply directly. The input mask also allows you to filter interesting positions using a preselection. 
​​​​​​​We look forward to your application!

Employee Benefits in Aalen

Enjoying a good work-life balance, having an attractive working environment and participating in forward-looking training opportunities – we share your view of modern working.
​​​​​​​We offer our employees the following benefits.

Company physician

We regularly carry out occupational health examinations at the workplaces. In this way, we want to determine and maintain physical suitability for certain activities and identify any possible impairments as early as possible. Because your safety comes first at all times.

Of course, our employees can also contact the company medical service outside of these examinations if they don’t feel well.

Canteen & food allowances
Our employees can choose between varied and freshly pre-pared meals in the company canteen. We subsidise lunch.
Catering facilities

In our company canteen we offer a wide range of hot lunches, which are served to employees in meal trays. Food that employees bring in themselves can also be freshly heated. In the bright and spacious rooms, there is an opportunity to talk to colleagues during the main meal times.
In addition, snack and beverage vending machines are available throughout the company buildings.

Barrier-free workplace
We are actively committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees. For example, colleagues from the Council of Employees with Disabilities look after the special interests of people with disabilities, support them and provide them with advice.

During the induction phase, our team mentors are on hand to offer support as you settle into your role.

Our Teams play a huge part in the growth and success of MAPAL Ltd. Various support and training is given, so each individual can continue to grow their expertise and careers within MAPAL. 

The offerings of yearly Apprenticeships are important to the company to introduce careers within the Engineering and Manufacturing sectors and ignite a long-term aspiration with MAPAL and our customers.

Company pension plan
We support our employees in building up an additional pension plan in order to be able to close any pension gap that may arise in retirement. For all employees, we also offer a monthly allowance for capital-forming payments.
Health measures
Fomentamos la salud de nuestros/as empleados/as. Personal especializado del servicio médicos de la empresa asesoran y apoyan a nuestros/as empleados/as en la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades. Además ofrecen diversos exámenes preventivos.
También fomentamos las actividades deportivas de iniciativa propia. Nos hacemos cargo, por ejemplo, de una parte de las cuotas de inscripción en las competiciones de natación, carreras y ciclismo, o bien facilitamos la indumentaria del equipo.
Además, nuestros/as empleados/as pueden asistir a seminarios y talleres sobre los temas "Ergonomía en el puesto de trabajo", "Movilidad", "Nutrición" y "Control del estrés".
Posibilidad de horario de trabajo flexible
Espacio para proyectos de vida individuales: nuestros/as empleados/as pueden decidir, en gran parte, ellos/as mismos/as el inicio y el final de la jornada de trabajo. Naturalmente esto tiene lugar mediante un acuerdo con el departamento correspondiente y los/las compañeros/as.
Los/las empleados/as, aprendices/zas, becarios/as, así como las personas que trabajan durante sus vacaciones, que trabajan por turnos debido a la dependencia con otros empleados, tienen horarios de trabajo fijos.
Posibilidad de movilidad de trabajo
Creamos flexibilidad. Por eso nuestros/as empleados/as también disponen de flexibilidad para movilizarse en su trabajo si fuera necesario.
Implicación de los/las empleados/as
Todos somos one MAPAL: tanto sus ideas como las de usted son una pieza importante para el éxito común. Por ello incluimos a nuestros/as empleados/as activamente en el proceso de mejora continua e incrementamos así la calidad del producto y del proceso.
Buena conexión
Nuestras sedes están bien ubicadas y se puede acceder fácilmente a ellas con autobús, tren o coche.
Nuestros/as empleados/as pueden aparcar su vehículo o bicicleta en nuestras instalaciones sin coste alguno. Hay suficientes plazas disponibles.
Posibilidad de coche de empresa

En función del puesto y del trabajo que deben realizar, nuestros/as empleados/as recibirán un coche de empresa.

Eventos de empleados
Somos una gran empresa familiar y nos sentimos como una gran familia. Por esta razón queremos celebrar las cosas juntos. En función de la sede pueden celebrarse fiestas de verano o, incluso, nuestro mercadillo anual de Navidad. Cada dos años se celebra nuestro Campeonato Mundial o Europeo de Fútbol MAPAL, donde se reúnen los/las compañeros/as de las distintas sedes tanto del país como del extranjero.
Algunos eventos están dirigidos solo a empleados/as, en otros nos alegramos mucho de que también los puedan disfrutar familiares y visitantes.
Somos one MAPAL y reconocemos los servicios de nuestros/as empleados/as, por esa razón rendimos homenaje una vez al año a los/las compañeros/as que llevan más tiempo en la empresa en un entorno festivo, además de invitar a aquellos/as que están disfrutando ya de su jubilación.
Descuentos para empleados
En la MAPAL Fanshop, nuestros/as empleados/as pueden adquirir ropa de trabajo de alta calidad, ropa para el tiempo libre, artículos prácticos para la vida diaria y una gama de merchandising en continuo crecimiento.
Además, tendrán descuentos exclusivos en viajes, moda, tecnología y mucho más. Las ofertas que cambian cada mes pueden verse directamente en intranet, a través de la plataforma en línea, o en la aplicación correspondiente.
Uso de internet e intranet
Soporte también digital: en los descansos, los/las empleados/as pueden utilizar el internet para cuestiones privadas, ya que los temas privados también pueden ser importantes y urgentes.
Asimismo, en nuestra intranet encontrarán multitud de información, servicio y posibilidades para una satisfactoria colaboración con y en MAPAL.
Nous aidons les parents de jeunes enfants à trouver une place de crèche. À cette fin, nous collaborons avec la municipalité d'Aalen et disposons d'un contingent de places dans la crèche d'Albstift située à proximité de notre site. Les frais de garde sont à la charge des parents.
Distributeur d'eau
Des distributeurs d'eau sont installés à des endroits centraux dans l'enceinte de l'entreprise. Vous pouvez vous servir à tout moment d'eau du robinet fraîche, au choix plate ou pétillante. L'utilisation du distributeur d'eau est gratuite.
Nous offrons à nos collaborateurs la possibilité de prendre en leasing un vélo ou un Pedelec de grande qualité. Les mensualités étant financées par rémunération différée, les conditions sont avantageuses et permettent d'économiser des impôts. Nos collaborateurs peuvent utiliser le vélo aussi bien pour se rendre au travail que pendant leur temps libre. Une fois les trois années de leasing écoulées, ils peuvent soit rendre le vélo, soit le garder au prix de sa valeur résiduelle.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions !

  • Uwe Heßler

    Votre interlocuteur pour l'apprentissage dans le domaine technique, étudiants
    Tél.:  +49 7361 585-3115
    E-mail: uwe.hessler@mapal.com

  • Michaela Brendle

    Votre interlocutrice pour l'apprentissage et les stages dans le domaine commercial
    Tél.: +49 7361 585-3306
    ​​​​​​​E-mail: michaela.brendle@mapal.com

  • Michael Barth

    Votre interlocuteur pour l'apprentissage dans le domaine informatique
    Tél.: +49 7361 585-1464
    ​​​​​​​E-mail: michael.barth@mapal.com

  • Gerd Dambacher

    Su persona de contacto para prácticas escolares técnicas
    Tel.: +49 7361 585-1411
    Correo electrónico: gerd.dambacher@mapal.com

  • Laura Kuhar

    Su persona de contacto para estudiantes trabajadores, trabajos vacacionales, trabajos temporales
    Tel.: +49 7361 585-3684
    Correo electrónico: laura.kuhar@mapal.com

El equipo de formación de la sede de Aalen


Damos mucha importancia a formar nosotros mismos y de manera consolidada a nuestro personal de mañana.
Actualmente contamos con seis maestros en el centro de formación de Allen junto con Uwe Heiಙßler, el director de formación responsable del área técnica industrial.


Michael Barth

I am Michael Barth and have been working as a training officer in the IT sector for over 20 years. As a trainer in this area, it is particularly important to me to provide the best possible support to our trainee IT specialists in both technical and practical terms. 

The continuity of my role as training officer emphasises the sustainable training practice at MAPAL. The training of computer scientists is an important task that encompasses a broad spectrum of IT knowledge and skills. Teaching programming skills, network technologies and other relevant skills is therefore crucial to prepare our trainees for their professional challenges.


Daniel Bayerle

I am Daniel Bayerle and at the training centre I am responsible for imparting knowledge in the field of conventional turning and milling as well as the basics of CNC milling. I enjoy passing on my knowledge to young and motivated people and preparing them for their future working life.

After my training as a cutting machine operator and two years as a CNC lathe operator, I joined MAPAL as a CNC grinder in June 2014. After three years on a CNC-controlled five-axis grinding machine, I trained to become a metalworking foreman and then took on the role of production foreman in cutting edge production. I have been working in the training centre since the start of training in 2022 and supervise trainees in their first and second year of training.


Heiko Berger

I am Heiko Berger and I supervise the trainees in the training centre in the areas of cylindrical/flat and tool grinding.

I myself completed my training as a cutting machine operator at MAPAL. I was particularly interested in the CNC grinding specialisation. After my apprenticeship, I therefore worked in the HPR fixed tools department at MAPAL and at the same time trained to become an IHK industrial foreman. After my further training, I gained experience in work preparation and finally moved to the training centre in 2014.


Michaela Brendle

I am Michaela Brendle, trainer for industrial clerks. I supervise our trainees from the job interview to the induction programme and intensive preparation for the final examination. During their three-year training programme, I also support young, motivated people in their personal development. This gives me great pleasure. I maintain close contact with the trainees. My door is always open for any questions.

I am a qualified industrial clerk myself. I have been working at MAPAL since 2014 and took over responsibility for commercial training in 2021.


Gerd Dambacher

My name is Gerd Dambacher and I supervise our trainees in their 1st year of training. I also prepare our industrial mechanics for their final exams. It gives me great pleasure to see how young people develop into great adults during their training period.

I completed my training as a cutting machine operator here at MAPAL in 1994. I then worked in fixture construction and had contact with many trainees there. Alongside my work, I successfully completed further training as a technician in mechanical engineering and a course of study to become a certified vocational teacher (IHK). Finally, in 1999, I came to my current place of work - the training centre.


Peter Kohnle

I am Peter Kohnle and I supervise our 2nd and 3rd year apprentices in the areas of CNC turning and CNC milling. I enjoy working with young, motivated people, passing on my expertise and supporting the trainees until they successfully complete their training. 

After my training as a cutting machine operator at MAPAL, I programmed and milled ISO tools on the machine. After three years on the job, I trained as a mechanical engineering technician. I then worked on the programming of multi-spindle machines. In 2013, I moved to the training centre and completed further qualifications so that I could train young people.


Robin Offinger

I am Robin Offinger and I supervise our trainees in the areas of CNC milling and turning. I also prepare our cutting machine operators for their final exams. Supporting young people at this stage of their lives is a great and exciting task. I really enjoy helping to shape the trainees' development and accompanying them on their journey from school to working life. 

I am a trained cutting machine operator and worked for six years as a CNC grinder in MAPAL adapter production. Whilst working, I completed further training to become a technical business administrator (IHK). I have been a technical instructor at our training centre since 2002.

Información detallada

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