
Conrado Diniz is the new Managing Director of MAPAL Italy

On January 1, 2025, Conrado Couto Diniz, previously Managing Director of MAPAL do Brasil, will take over the position of Managing Director at MAPAL Italia.

With his extensive industry experience and proven leadership skills, Conrado Diniz is ideally equipped to drive the further development of MAPAL Italy. In his new role, he succeeds Claudio Gabos, who has been part of the MAPAL Executive Team (MET) as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) since July this year and is now responsible for the MAPAL Group's global sales strategy. Claudio Gabos had temporarily taken over the management of MAPAL Italy.

Auf dem Bild ist Conrado Diniz zu sehen, der neue Managing Director für MAPAL Italien ab dem 1. Januar 2025
Conrado Diniz tritt zum 1. Januar 2025 die Stelle des neuen Managing Director von MAPAL Italien an.   ©MAPAL
Für einen reibungslosen Übergang bis zur Bekanntgabe eines neuen Geschäftsführers vor Ort wird Conrado Diniz die Rolle des Managing Directors in Brasilien weiterhin ausführen. 

Portrait MAPAL Redakteur Ostertag Mathias


Mathias Ostertag Public Relations mathias.ostertag@mapal.com Tel.: +49 7361 585 3566

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