Large series with combination tools for highest requirements and productivity
Valve housing AlMgSi-T6
Initial situation at the customer
- Very high quantities
- High cycle time requirements
- High hourly rates
- High demand for process reliability
- High demands on quality of surface, shape and position tolerances
- Burr-free / scoring-free machining
Special features of this solution
- Ideal chip breaking due to special cutting geometries
- Perfect surfaces and contact ratios due to high-quality PCD finish tools (Rz = 1 μm)
- Combination tool for optimum process design and cycle time reduction
Tool highlights for pneumatic valve housings
Stepped bores
- Solid carbide-multi-stepped tool with special multicut technology and chip guiding stage for ideal chip control and frequent re-grinding capability
Solution in one processing step for cone contours
- PCD step drill for the process-reliable machining of cone contours as solution in one processing step
Contour machining
- Multi-stepped PCD combination tool
- Highest productivity as well as concentricity for highly complex contour machining
- PKD-Zirkularfräser für höchste Oberflächengüte und perfekt abgestimmte Steuerkanten
- Exakt abgestimmte Prozesse zwischen Vor- und Fertigbearbeitung
- Reduzierte Nebenzeiten
- Taktzeit-Einsparung bei gleichzeitig erhöhter Qualität
- Erhöhte Prozesssicherheit in der Serienfertigung
- Die langjährige Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung und Produktion von PKD- oder Vollhartmetallwerkzeugen ermöglicht abhängig von den Anforderungen die optimale Prozessauslegung