MAPAL liefert neben Werkzeugen und Spannfuttern komplette Prozesse und den Weg in die digitale Fertigung
Werkzeug- und Formenbauer erwarten von ihrem Zerspanungswerkzeughersteller hohe Prozess- und Produktkompetenz. Von den Werkzeugen fordern sie höchste Präzision, lange Standzeiten und vor allem Prozesssicherheit. Genau diese Aspekte sind es, die MAPAL in Branchen wie der Automobilindustrie, dem Maschinenbau oder der Luftfahrtindustrie erfolgreich machen. Nur folgerichtig also, dass der Präzisionswerkzeughersteller nun auch im Werkzeug- und Formenbau durchstartet.
Es sind die Veränderungen am Markt, die viele Zulieferer dazu veranlassen, sich strategisch neu aufzustellen. „Wir haben deshalb schon vor Jahren angefangen, weitere Branchen neben unserem größten Kunden, der Automobilindustrie, zu erschließen. Innerhalb weniger Jahre haben wir uns in der Luftfahrtindustrie etabliert“, erläutert Dr. Jochen Kress, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter von MAPAL. Ähnliches plane MAPAL nun im Werkzeug- und Formenbau.
Seit jeher bietet MAPAL Werkzeuge, die auch im Werkzeug- und Formenbau eingesetzt werden. „Allerdings hatten wir weder die entsprechende Marktdurchdringung noch das umfassende Portfolio“, sagt Dr. Jochen Kress. Nach und nach hat sich MAPAL deshalb das Portfolio und auch die Kompetenz aufgebaut. Zuletzt mit der Integration des Unternehmens voha-tosec in die MAPAL Gruppe. Mit dem Unternehmen aus Lindlar kamen nicht nur fundierte und tiefe Marktkenntnisse zu MAPAL, sondern auch Produkte, die das bereits vorhandene Portfolio ergänzen. Zudem entwickelte der Präzisionswerkzeughersteller neue Werkzeuge.
Neue Fräser aus Vollhartmetall
Unter dem Produktnamen OptiMill-3D hat MAPAL ein neues, leistungsstarkes Programm an Vollhartmetallfräsern vorgestellt, die die Experten speziell für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau entwickelt haben. „Neben extrem hitzebeständigen Beschichtungen und speziellen Hartmetallsubstraten zeichnen sich diese Werkzeuge durch die speziell an den Formenbau angepassten Abmessungen und Geometrien aus“, erläutert Carsten Klein, der das Marktsegment Werkzeug- und Formenbau verantwortet.
Das leistungsstarke Programm an Vollhartmetallwerkzeugen hat MAPAL speziell für den Werkzeug- und Formenbau entwickelt.
Das Programm umfasst Werkzeuge mit spezieller Stirngeometrie zum Fräsen gehärteter Bauteile und einen Eckradiusfräser zum Schlichten von 3D-Formen bis zu einer Härte von 66 HRC. Die neuen Kreisradiusfräser eignen sich für den Einsatz bei tiefen Kavitäten oder für komplexe Freiformflächen.
Greater cost-effectiveness with ISO tools
A new range of milling cutters with ISO indexable inserts was also presented at EMO. The programme includes round insert milling cutters, high-feed and 90° shoulder milling cutters, ball and toric end milling cutters and finishing milling cutters. As such, the range of ISO indexable inserts covers the workpiece materials cast iron, steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal and hardened workpiece materials up to 65 HRC. Different cutting materials and coatings are used depending on requirements and the material to be machined.
The new range of milling cutters with ISO indexable inserts includes round-insert milling cutters, high-feed and 90° shoulder milling cutters, ball and toric end milling cutters and finishing milling cutters.
Nearly 100 % coverage – and not just for tools
“Today, we are able to cover almost 100 percent of the needs of companies that make die and moulds,” says Carsten Klein. This includes not only the milling cutters mentioned above, but also the complete range for drilling and reaming. However, when it comes to many milling tasks in die and mould making, the focus is not just on tool technology. Another decisive factor is the programming of the machine, which is a complex matter. MAPAL supports customers in this task and works closely with the relevant software manufacturers to do so.
As a full-service supplier, MAPAL’s oerings extend beyond the tool and its programming: MAPAL wants to be a technology partner for its customers. For this reason, the company also supplies the appropriate clamping technology – among other things. The portfolio for this area includes everything needed for clamping. “Our 3-degree chuck in particular has proven itself in die and mould making”, says Kress. This innovative high-performance chuck boasts a special feature: the HighTorque Chuck (HTC) with a slender contour combines the advantages of hydraulic expansion technology (such as the highest possible accuracy) with the three-degree back taper known from shrink chucks.
Individually adapted chucks
Individually adapted chucks are made possible by additive manufacturing. This process enables the soldered connection between the sleeve and tool body previously necessary to be dispensed with. This was a limiting factor not only in terms of chuck geometry, but also in terms of thermal stability and torque transmission. Thanks to its geometrical freedom, the hydraulic expansion clamping technology can also be used in the case of parts with large tool restrictions or for deep cavities in places that are di¨cult to access, which previously required the use of shrink chucks. “We individually adapt our chucks to each customer’s machining”, explains Carsten Klein. This means that it is often possible to use standard tools instead of costly specialised tools.
Due to the geometrical freedom of additive manufacturing, the use of hydraulic chucks is possible even with large tool restrictions.
In addition to tools, programming and clamping devices, the MAPAL portfolio includes the complete range of peripherals for adjusting and measuring tools, as well as dispensing systems for storing and managing components. “And on top of that, we support our customers with comprehensive services”, says Klein. One example of these services is Tool Management 4.0, which is offered using the open-cloud platform c-Com as a basis. “This means the customer no longer has to worry about the tools – we take care of storing, provisioning, purchasing and reconditioning the tools”, Klein explains. And it all takes place with 100 percent transparency for the customer.
“In the end, the market will decide how strong a foothold we will gain in die and mould making”, says Dr Kress. That being said, MAPAL has high hopes: “We are able to win over potential customers not just by being a full-service provider, but by supporting them with our decades of cumulative experience.” Being on site, solving problems and meeting high expectations have always been of great importance to MAPAL.
For the time being, the company is focusing on die and mould manufacturers within Germany. “Our aim is to gain even more experience in the industry, and then incorporate that experience as we strengthen our engagement globally”, says Dr Jochen Kress.
Carsten Klein, responsible at MAPAL for the tool and mould making market segment.
Following the iF Design Award and the Good Design Award, the UNIQ hydraulic chucks from MAPAL have also been honoured with the Green Design Award, which focuses on sustainability.