Multi-cutting edge high-performance reamers for large diameter ranges
To finely machine bores with large diameters within a defined tolerance range, users are often faced with the question: reaming or single point cutting?
Especially for machining from a diameter of 40 mm, MAPAL offers a programme of high-performance reamers with individual configuration options and HSK or module shank is available.
From the simple cutting ring to high-performance tools with straightforward insert change on site – for every application MAPAL offers a suitable solution for the high-accuracy and cost-effective machining of almost all workpiece materials.
Especially for machining from a diameter of 40 mm, MAPAL offers a programme of high-performance reamers with individual configuration options and HSK or module shank is available.
From the simple cutting ring to high-performance tools with straightforward insert change on site – for every application MAPAL offers a suitable solution for the high-accuracy and cost-effective machining of almost all workpiece materials.
HPR400 plus
No setting and four cutting edges significantly reduce cost-per-part
Efficient reconditioning was the focus of the development of the HPR400 reamers. The multi-bladed tools impress due to high cost-effectiveness thanks to fast application data and simple insert changing on site by the customer. This is possible due to the highly accurate insert seats. As such the logistics costs for transport to the manufacturer are completely eliminated. Tool stock and reconditioning costs are at a low level.
The indexable inserts of the HPR400 plus have four cutting edges. The cutting material is therefore optimally utilised. They are produced so accurately that they can be rotated or changed on-site by the customer's staff without problems. As a consequence the inventory of inserts can be further reduced, the reconditioning costs and therefore the cost-per-part drop.
Simple insert change on site
Special, high-accuracy insert seats allow users of the HPR400 series to change the inserts on site using a torque wrench. The inserts cannot be fitted incorrectly, as only one installation orientation is possible and the inserts can be fitted at any position. As a result there is no setting effort, or the need to send tools for reconditioning. Users only need to have the inserts from MAPAL in stock. The quantity of tools required is low, as tool bodies do not need to be reconditioned. With minimal effort and a low number of tools in circulation, the user achieves high-accuracy bores with the HPR400.The cutting edges are optimally adapted to the material and the machining operation. HPR400 is available in the diameter range from 65 to 400 mm with HSK or MAPAL's own module adapter. MAPAL offers various inserts made of carbide without or with CVD coating, made of cermet and tipped with PCD or PcBN.
Reducción de costes mediante innovador reacondicionamiento
Con el HPR300, MAPAL ofrece un sistema que permite reequipar y volver a revestir las herramientas fijas de manera significativamente más rápida y económica. Los filos se sujetan como pieza en bruto de forma segura en la herramienta a través de unas garras de fijación. A continuación, el diámetro y la geometría de entrada se afilan con gran precisión. En el caso de un reacondicionamiento tras finalizar la duración, los filos desgastados podrán sustituirse sencilla y rápidamente por nuevas piezas en bruto, y volver a afilarse con precisión micrométrica hasta alcanzarse la calidad original.Otra ventaja decisiva del sistema HPR300 reside en que el cuerpo de la herramienta y especialmente el mango de sujeción conservan su elevada precisión original. Al sustituir los elementos de corte, el cuerpo de la herramienta no está sometido a ninguna carga térmica, y tampoco se requieren unos complejos procesos de limpieza. Las herramientas soldadas pueden reacondicionarse como máximo cuatro veces de media, mientras que los escariadores HPR300 pueden reequiparse al menos diez veces. Así las herramientas ya se amortizan después de los primeros reacondicionamientos y ofrecen notables ahorros de costes a lo largo de toda su vida útil, sin que disminuya el rendimiento en comparación con las herramientas soldadas.