
MAPAL employees support the „Hatay earthquake relief”

Symbolic handover of cheque: f. l.: Dr. Jochen Kress (President MAPAL Group), Yilmaz Meydanogullari, Ilham Özgül and Vecdi Temizkan (Antakya-Aalen Culture Club), Uwe Homann (Chairman of the MAPAL Works Council in Aalen)  ©MAPAL

Eight weeks after the devastating earthquake in the border region between Turkey and Syria, the people in the badly hit region have not been forgotten. After the MAPAL management had already supported the regional aid alliance "Hatay Earthquake Relief" with an immediate donation, a collection was now also made within the workforce. The management rounded up the amount. 

1,500 euros can thus be made available to the relief alliance to enable the establishment of a social centre in the Turkish city of Antakya. In Aalen's twin city, the construction of a stable and earthquake-proof building is planned, in close coordination with those responsible. "We want to create a place of refuge where people can organise and look after themselves independently," explains Vecdi Temizkan, 1st Chairman of the Antakya-Aalen Cultural Club and MAPAL employee (2nd from right). His colleague Yilmaz Meydanogullari (2 from left) is also actively involved in earthquake relief, as is Ilham Özgül (centre). All three are members of the board of the Antakya-Aalen Cultural Club, one of the organisations involved in the relief alliance. On the left Dr. Jochen Kress (President MAPAL Group), on the right Uwe Homann (Chairman of the MAPAL Works Council in Aalen).

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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