MAPAL do BRASIL - Ferramentas de Precisão Ltda.
Ibirité, Brazil
Around 125 employees work in Brazil at MAPAL do BRASIL – Ferramentas de Precisão Ltda.. Our key activities are the areas of precision tools, clamping technology, setting fixtures and services related to tool management.
Our site in Ibirité was founded in 1997 in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte. The colleagues supply customers not just from Brazil, but the whole of South America.
The Ibirité site boasts a high standard of equipment and technology which meets the global standards of the MAPAL Group. The majority of the products sold are designed by engineers on site and are produced directly in Ibirité. The customers are from a wide variety of sectors: automobile, aviation, oil and gas industries as well as general machining and die and mould making, plus the energy sector.
As at all of our sites, we consider initial and advanced training according to our MAPAL standards to be vital – in Ibirité as well. We invest in the next generation of staff and on-site qualifications – and boost international cooperation with our headquarters in Germany as well as other countries. A route we're taking as a team: We are delighted that many of our employees have been with us for more than 15 or 20 years and are passing on their expertise to the new generations of MAPAL staff.
Become Part of the Team
We look forward to your application!
Employee Benefits in Ibirité
In our company canteen we offer a wide range of hot lunches, which are served to employees in meal trays. Food that employees bring in themselves can also be freshly heated. In the bright and spacious rooms, there is an opportunity to talk to colleagues during the main meal times.
In addition, snack and beverage vending machines are available throughout the company buildings.
During the induction phase, our team mentors are on hand to offer support as you settle into your role.
Our Teams play a huge part in the growth and success of MAPAL Ltd. Various support and training is given, so each individual can continue to grow their expertise and careers within MAPAL.
The offerings of yearly Apprenticeships are important to the company to introduce careers within the Engineering and Manufacturing sectors and ignite a long-term aspiration with MAPAL and our customers.
Certains évènements sont proposés uniquement à notre personnel, pour d'autres, nous sommes heureux de recevoir aussi leur famille et des visiteurs.
Nous formons un seul MAPAL et nous apprécions à leur juste valeur les efforts des membres de notre personnel. C'est pourquoi nous organisons tous les ans une cérémonie qui met à l'honneur celles et ceux qui nous sont fidèles depuis de nombreuses années. C'est également l'occasion pour nous d'inviter d'anciens collègues partis en retraite.
Nos collaboratrices et collaborateurs obtiennent par ailleurs des réductions sur des voyages, l'habillement, l'électroménager, etc. Nos offres du mois sont visibles directement sur l'Intranet via une plateforme en ligne ou avec l'application correspondante.
Nous encourageons également les activités sportives de notre personnel. Par exemple, nous prenons en charge une partie des frais d'inscription à des compétitions de natation, de courses à pied ou de vélo et mettons des tenues à disposition des équipes.
Pour finir, notre personnel est aussi invité à participer à des ateliers et des séminaires sur l'ergonomie au travail, l'activité physique, l'alimentation et la gestion du stress.
Notre Intranet est également une mine d'informations, de services et de possibilités pour une carrière épanouie avec et au sein de MAPAL.