
MAPAL supports the well-being of children

Two aid organisations in the region are supported with donations totalling 6,000 euros.

Dr. Jochen Kress and Uwe Homann of MAPAL hand over symbolic cheques to the representatives of the aid organisations.
Symbolic handover of cheque: from left to right Dr Jochen Kress (President of the MAPAL Group), Claudia Köditz-Habermann and Michael Schulz (Board of the association “Freunde der Kinderklinik Aalen”), Klaus Waschkies (Editor Radio 7), Uwe Homann (Chairman of the Works Council at MAPAL Aalen)   ©MAPAL
The workforce of MAPAL in Aalen organised two fundraising events around the turn of the year. The management took part and topped up the sums. This raised 6,000 euros, which have now been handed over to two institutions in the region. 3,000 will go to the "Freunde der Kinderklinik Aalen (Friends of the Aalen Children's Hospital)" association, which is committed in many ways to improving the hospital stay and treatment conditions of sick children and their families. Another 3,000 euros will go to the Radio 7 campaign "Drachenkinder" (Dragon Children) and will thus flow into projects for the benefit of sick, disabled, or traumatised children. Twelve years ago, individual employees initiated this collection; in the meantime, the entire staff participates in the Dragon Children campaign. Radio 7 editor Klaus Waschkies and Claudia Köditz-Habermann, chairwoman of the "Freunde der Kinderklinik Aalen" association, expressed their gratitude for the generous support. Uwe Homann (Chairman of the MAPAL Works Council) said: "We appreciate your commitment to children; we know that the money is well invested." 

Kathrin Rehor, PR Project Manager at MAPAL


Kathrin Rehor Public Relations Kathrin.Rehor@mapal.com Phone: +49 7361 585 3342

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